EotE BG first play through as a new GM

By Ender07, in Game Masters

Hey everyone! So I had my first playthrough of EotE BG this past Saturday and it went really well. I was concerned with the time it would take and that my crew would breeze right through it so I added some additional side missions and encounters to keep the story exciting, while not railroading them through everything. All of us have no tabletop RPG experience, only playing RPG type games on game consoles, and I have never been a GM before. I read the entirety of the adventure and rule books before we started and started scouring the forums here for additional info about Mos Shuuta.

Here is how the session went down...**SPOILERS** ** SPOILERS**

tl;dr - We had alot of fun, there were some extra encounters and side missions, getting ready to play for next Sat.

My crew of 3 PC's chose Pash, Lowhhrick, and Mathus as their characters for the game. The game started fairly straightforward with the brawl in the cantina. All of the PC's failed their intial checks to hide so the Gamorreans had a 1+UP on them when they clamored into the room. Everyone fought well and Lowhhrick ended up finishing off the final piggy with a slash from his vibro-axe! At this point the bartender came over and told them he knew how they could get off this planet, but for a price. :) Pash asked him what they could do to help him and rolled a charm check with a triumph...the bartender responded that a shipment of Alderaanian wine and parts for his still were being held at warehouse besh by customs, so he they could "liberate that equipment & inventory, he would give them the info they require.

From here I decided to have the triumph indicate an abandoned speeder bike was resting just outside the cantina so Pash took it and scouted ahead to the warehouse. Both Lowhhrick and Mathus started to the warehouse themselves when they ran into a beggar. They gave him a couple of credits and in return asked him for a safe & stealthy way to get to the warehouse without being spotted by Teemo's thugs. Once everyone was at the warehouse Mathus rolled a average computers check to hack the system to get in and was successful. They all got in and stealthily snuck around to find the objects.

Once again Pash took the speeder bike back to the cantina by himself to scout ahead, but as Mathus and Lowhhrick ventured back they were held up by a local thug who attempted to take all their credits. They decided to play along initially then sprung into action catching the thug off guard and beating him to just about death. The thug pleaded for mercy and said that he has a special package waiting at the junk shop they can have if they left him go, they decided that he wasn't worth killing and let him escape with his life.

When everyone finally reconvened at the cantina, the bartender gave everyone a round of shots of Corellian whiskey (I made everyone drink some decent Irish Whiskey I had on hand!) and gave them the information they needed to get off-planet. With that information they headed to the junk shop to talk to Vorn.

After getting to the dingy junk shop, Pash decided to try and convince Vorn they were with Trex and were here to pick up the HMRI...but unfortunately he failed. While distracting him Mathus poked around to try and locate and steal it, but he was unable to roll a success either. Finally Lowhhrick had the idea to try and challenge Vorn to a competition of sabaac and if they won, they would get the part for only 200 credits...if they lost they would have to pay 900. They rolled 3 times for 3 "hands" of sabaac and ended up winning the HMRI for next to nothing! Right before they left Mathus remembered to ask for the package from the thug and it turned out to be a used blaster carbine...a perfect upgrade for Mathus from his pitiful holdout pistol.

They happily continued on to the spaceport to try and get the dock clamps removed from the Krayt Fang. After Mathus successfully deactivated the security droids with his mechanics skills, Pash tried to sweet talk Overseer Brynn into releasing the clamps and asked her on a date. (I wasn't going to make them actually go on a date, but Pash ended up rolling a triumph so I made him do that while the other PC's scouted around Mos Shuuta a bit)

Pash went with Brynn to the cantina to have a couple of drinks and get to know each other a bit better. I had him roll a charm check every time I checked back with him to see how the date was going. Unfortunately, Pash was not his usual charming self and failed every check along the way thus making the date end with no new intel.

During the time Pash was on his date, both Lowhhrick and Mathus decided to try and hack into the other warehouse and try to find some new armor/weapons/credits. They had only just hacked in and looked in a single crate containing some padded armor when an alarm was tripped and security droids started streaming in! They fought off 4 droids by themselves before running out on to the street to try and meet up with Pash. Luckily they used their commlink to tell Pash to wait outside in ambush in case anybody else came after them. It was a good thing they did that because 2 groups of Imperial Stormtroopers came right after them since they had just docked in the landing bay next door.

After a couple of rounds with the Stormtroopers (everyone was missing so it lasted awhile), they hit Pash and took him down. It took a couple more rounds, but Lowhhrick and Mathus took them out and successfully revived Pash. After getting away they proceeding to the landing bay the Krayt Fang was in and successfully defeated Trex (pretty easily actually!) and continued on to space.

Once the PC's flew out of Mos Shuuta, they were met with a single pair or TIE-Fighters before they could leave Tattooine. They got the HMRI installed in a single turn and then Mathus and Lowhhrick grabbed the two turrents while Pash piloted. (This section was a bit more difficult because I forgot the extra setback and boost dice for shields and handling) They defeated the TIE's just in time and were able to hit lightspeed to get out there!

The fully story with my embellishments took 7 hours, but it didn't feel like that long since we were drinking and having a fun time as we went! The next adventire "The Long Arm of the Hutt" will be more by-the-book so it doesn't take as long, but I imagine they will continue to throw some fun ideas into the mix as we play.

(Hopefully that wasn't too long :) )

Edited by Ender07

Sounds like you made some sweet gaming memories.


Nice write up, and sounds like it was an awesome game. I look forward to hearing about Long Arm of the Hutt

Thanks for reading through it...I know it was quite long but encompassing the whole adventure took alot more than I thought it would! It was alot of fun and we are getting together to start LAOTH this Sat. and I am really looking forward to it!