Looking for rules on hiring NPCs and crafting

By Eddie, in Dark Heresy Gamemasters

As the title says, I'm looking for rules for hiring NPCs and crafting weapons and servitors.

Any Dark Heresy (or other 40k) books with information on this? All I found was one page in the 2nd edition book, and it seems rather rediculous to me (page 97, it takes 1d5 hours to create a weapon?) I hoped the lathe worlds books would include information for creating servitors and stuff like that, but I can't find anything...

"The Radicals Handbook" had a small section (a couple of pages) about to mimic the hiring of contacts plus some examples what contacts could be, what they could offer as Service and what they could demand in return.

So far, the IH does offer some rules about crafting and some "cost tables" for acquiring servitors wit ha certain set/loud out but it is not offering rules for actually creating them.

If you use the craftign rules as Guidelines, you COULD brew up your own. .. but I donĀ“t see the means in the Hands of a Group of acolytes. You Need a facility to (basically) mind-wipe and re-Programm the human (or ogryn) that is the "base component" for the servitor. I guess that is rather arcana stuff the forge world will not share (instead of trading favours for creating those servitors in their forge shrines.

Medica test to do the surgery
Logic to do the programming/code matching
Technomant to use the gear you Need to use
Tech-Use to adjust the kybernetic implants to the Body

all of them Extended and the process taking weeks or month (the remainign Body Needs healing. We are talking about the equivalent of high critical damage since we work at the brain itself, the spine, the bones/limbs etc...

As the title says, I'm looking for rules for hiring NPCs and crafting weapons and servitors.

Any Dark Heresy (or other 40k) books with information on this? All I found was one page in the 2nd edition book, and it seems rather rediculous to me (page 97, it takes 1d5 hours to create a weapon?) I hoped the lathe worlds books would include information for creating servitors and stuff like that, but I can't find anything...

remember that they assume you are working with the prefabricated weapon parts. If you want a crafting time from base components there is a better table in the IH (page 245 - 248). Also note that the crafting in 2.0 assumes, under tech, that you have the blueprint for it to be able to craft it in the first place. This means, most likely, and STC blueprint which are detailed enough that anyone could do it given time. Being highly trained (you have the skill after all) in the matter mean you can quickly build said item since you are working with components that are based of the same STC database.

Compare the "crafting" of a tech weapon to assembling an complex assault rifle, you could probably do that in a few hours if it's totally new for you, but you are trained in handling weapons.

Try warhammer fantasy, 2nd edition. Translates almost 1:1 to DH1, usually. You'll need to find equivalents, but (gun)smithing should do just fine there.