
By carsten1977, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Plague Worm / Base Size: 1x2 / Speed: 2
Burrow: Remove the figure from the map and place it in an unoccupied or occupies space up to 3 spaces.


P:Plague Worm
x:empty space

The Plague Worm can move and then burrow. This would lead to:

Is this also a valid move: The Plague Worm use 1MP and interrupts with burrow and after this continues his move ?
This would lead to:

So can i burrow from ANY field my worm is on and not only the one field "my finger was on" while interrupting ?

The difference is, that unlike interupting a move action with another move action, the combination with burrow allows the Monster to 'expand' three times.

We play that way but i am not sure if its right.

Here's how I see it.

The worm shrinks to perform it's move, moves it's (MP-X) and then interupts it's move. It then expands back and from this expanded space, you choose the space where you start the burrow, count out your 3 spaces and place your Worm on the map, expanding again; then you continue your move, shrinking again, moving the remaining X spaces and expanding at your final destination.

All perfectly legal, as long as you follow the correct rules for counting spaces.

This is a bit tricky. I think it's legal, but you might want to submit an official question. A large monster has to be able to declare the action it's taking before it expands if it's interrupting a move action. Therefore, you've got to declare that you're going to burrow when you're in (and only in) the 1x1 space. Then, you expand your figure, and then you burrow- when you come up, you can definitely expand as normal, and then resume your movement from the further away space. Since you do (and must) expand before you burrow (and after you burrow,) I don't think there's anything wrong with what you're proposing. Plague worms are slow. You're still talking about it's maximum movement (expending both actions) to be 8 spaces, though I agree that's impressive considering its speed.


Hi Carsten,

You burrow from any field the plague worm is expanded on.

Thanks for playing,

Kara Centell-Dunk