new player and few questions

By 4m4d1s, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition

hey!! and I think it is my first post in the TI3 community of FFG

I have just acquired this month TI3 with all expansions

and I have some questions and suggestions
a first game for many players would be ideal, 4 or 5?
I think it is more complicated to 4 players to play two strategies per turn.
with 5 players trading stage seems better
the difference between 4-5 players is too much?
I also have the idea to play with preliminary objectives and artifacts after all are extra VP
but I have the intention to deliver the preliminary objectives with the secret objetive together, instead of giving one after another it's like having two secret missions, someone has tried it? could work?
and the last
I like the public objectives of SE, but I would like to maybe include some of the vanilla game.
which they would recommend?
I am interested in the following
S1 . all three of my space docks are in the board
S1 . i control 5 planets outside my HS
S1. i have 3 tech adv of the same color OR i have ech adv in all 4 colors
S2. i control 18 planets outside my HS
S2 i control MR and all system adjacent to it
well thx anyway GG (sorry for my english XD)
Edited by 4m4d1s

Taking 2 strategy cards does add a little complexity to the game so I prefer to have 5+ players, but if you don't it's not too much trouble.

I didn't like the artifacts when I first read them, but now having played with them I think they improve the game, and they certainly speed it up, so I definitely recommend them.

I also support dealing prelim and secondary objectives at the same time. I think the rule I generally hear is that you cannot score the prelim objective after you score your secret, you have to score them in the right order, or skip your prelim entirely.

Another house rule I have read (if you don't have too many players) is to divide the secrecy objectives into 2 piles, one pile with all the "I control mecatol Rex..." Cards and a second pile with all the rest, then give each player one card from each pile. they are only allowed to score one of them, but they can choose which one to try and go for.

thx , i dont have idea about that house rule. i only play this game one and i love it soo i buy it

what about mix public objetives?

If I am understanding your question correctly, I think it's typical to simply shuffle all of the public objectives from all of the available sets together. You certainly can just include the ones you want, but you should probably make sure all the other players are OK with that (I can't imagine why they wouldn't be).

Hope that helps.

We almost always mix the objectives, with the exception of making sure only one Imperium Rex is included.

We almost always mix the objectives, with the exception of making sure only one Imperium Rex is included.

but are some are almost the same , i will try with the list i posted before , i have my first game with my own group this 24 , i will try make a battle report . (i also play wh40k before)

There are a few that are similar. The two biggest offenders are the "Mecatol Rex" ones (the base game's says "I've controlled Mecatol Rex this whole round" or something, the expansion says "I now control Mecatol Rex).

There are also a pair from the base game saying "I now spend 10 resources" and "I now spend 10 influence", where there's an expansion one saying "I now spend 10 resources or 10 influence".

So if you are worried about getting some duplicates, you can just pull them out. We will often pull the original Mecatol Rex one out, but leave the others in, and if we get the two from the second paragraph above, so be it :)

We mix all POs, like Sigma. Only removing duplicate copies of Imperium Rex. You don't really notice the similarities in other objectives that much.

what about the techs PO?

another question is better for the 1st game play with age of empire?

Regarding tech POs, they don't conflict too much.

For Stage I, the base game's is to have 3+ of one color, the expansion's is to have 2+ in 3 different colors.

For Stage II, the base game's is to have 9+ techs, the expanion's is to have 5+ of one color.

If both came out, obviously they would have some overlap, but they are still different enough in my opinion.

Oh, and as for Age of Empire, I think it can be useful for a first game so players can see what there is to do. On the other hand, having them come out more slowly can mean less "overthinking" - your VP options start out more limited and grow, so new players can adapt.

In other words, I think you could be fine either way.

I have always been of the opinion that 5 player games are the worst due to:

1. Uneven system division.

2. The most unused strategy cards each round possible. Almost half!

3. A very resource poor game which can really make number 1 almost unbearable.

So I'd recommend a 4 player run.

Additionally, the trade goods given to the unfortunates tend to just swell their fleets before they invariably turn on each other for scarcity of expansion options. Meanwhile those lucky few have more rounds of peace to plan and build a power base thus reinforcing their superior place in the status Quo.

I have yet to see the play group that could maintain a triple alliance long enough to tear down their wealthy oppressors, but it would be glorious!

You know, when you put it like that it sounds kinda awesome...

But for a first game, no.

2. The most unused strategy cards each round possible. Almost half!

yeah i know, but if is more SC in per round are more extra turn? and more large game?

the number 1 i get it , but i can choice wealthy the systems to avoid the problem n3.

I have always been of the opinion that 5 player games are the worst due to:

1. Uneven system division.

This is a problem with 5 player games. So I made this thing to fix the problem


You can remove 1/6 of a 6 player map so that the galaxy is sort or laid out on a pentagon instead of a hexagon. Like so


Keeps everyone on a balanced playing field.

As for your other 2 points, I don't see how # of players effects the resources available, that is more a factor of what systems are in play.

And 3 unused Strategy Cards each round I think just changes the pace of the game. Those bonus counters can come in REAL useful on occasion.

another question is better for the 1st game play with age of empire?

We always play with Age of Empire, every game. True it can increase AP for those types of players prone to it, but the game in general is long enough that we prefer to have the option of planning in advance.

The number of players effects the available resources in that the number of non-home system tiles used in a 4 player game actually decreases with the addition of a fifth player. Thus there are more players in competition for fewer available systems. Seems simple enough to me.

As for your hexagonal creation I applaud your ingenuity that does seem to solve complaint number 1.

It is a pity 4m4d1s wont have such a resource available.

The number of players effects the available resources in that the number of non-home system tiles used in a 4 player game actually decreases with the addition of a fifth player. Thus there are more players in competition for fewer available systems. Seems simple enough to me.

As for your hexagonal creation I applaud your ingenuity that does seem to solve complaint number 1.

It is a pity 4m4d1s wont have such a resource available.

I think the confusion is coming from this. In your initial post (#12) I, and possibly 4m4d1s, thought you were comparing to a 6 player game. I guess given the topic, it should have been obvious that you were comparing 5-player with 4-player set-ups (that is what you were doing right?)

i have a new question

what happends when the nekro virus flaghship try to enter in your sistems and is destroy by pds? you have to destroy your units also?

It doesn't matter how the ship is destroyed. If it's destroyed, the ability triggers, be it from PDS Fire, Space Mines, or whatever.

And yes, it destroys ALL ships in the system, friend and foe. So only apply the damage to your Flagship if you are ready to nuke everything (usually if you are losing a battle).

And yes, it destroys ALL ships in the system, friend and foe. So only apply the damage to your Flagship if you are ready to nuke everything (usually if you are losing a battle).

Oh, look. You have put together a super fleet with 2 warsuns, 3 dreadnoughts and 3 carriers with 18 fighters. I think I'll attack it with my flagship, and just my flagship.

Edited by Forgottenlore

ok thx!!!!

i will post some pics later but we have to stop the 1st game but we find the way of "save" the game and continu another day

And yes, it destroys ALL ships in the system, friend and foe. So only apply the damage to your Flagship if you are ready to nuke everything (usually if you are losing a battle).

Oh, look. You have put together a super fleet with 2 warsuns, 3 dreadnoughts and 3 carriers with 18 fighters. I think I'll attack it with my flagship, and just my flagship.

Yeah, with Nekro in play, you need to be very careful about building those super-fleets. Of course, it depends on how close to them you are. And it can be fun to pre-empt it by sending in a smaller suicide squad just to try and set up them the bomb in NEKRO territory first. It's a very expensive bomb!

For great justice!!

Edited by sigmazero13

well is my neighbor and i playing xxcha. but i think i can outplay that slow ship