Starship question

By GeneralSturnn, in Dark Heresy

Hello, I've been running a dark heresy game these past few months and curious, how much should a gun cutter with crew quarters(8-10members) cost? It's armour is average and comes with no weapons(those are chosen if willed)

In Thrones? Tens of thousands, if not low hundreds, at a minimum. For one with limited capabilities and not in very good condition. Probably. Pricing is a little wonky in DH/40k.

Frankly, a guncutter is the sort of thing that you'd get as a loaner/issue from the boss/Inqusition/acquired through their Inquisitorial authority/influence from another branch of the Imperial Adeptus for support, or confiscate/seize from someone in the course of an investigation. It's not really the sort of thing Acolytes would be buying with cash - might be able to get one in exchange for doing something/not doing something, but that's the closest you'll get to buying one.

Look up prices of Learjets, in USD.

Convert directly to thrones at a one to one ratio.

There you go.

Oh, thought 2k for bare minimum(can survive an Autocannon blast or two so it can survive a few space rock bits) a cockpit, and can only travel to local planets within a System would have been like 2-3k(and that's without weapons and a Gellar field I know would bump it's cost up by like what? 200k+? and it's size also.

Alright, I'll just keep a Guncutter along the lines of the Mercenaries will get one when they get hired by

Mr Inquisitor then.

Edited by GeneralSturnn

Think of it this way:

It is a system spacecraft , capable of generally doing things you would expect a grav-skimmer to do, as well as ascending to orbit, orbital maneuvers, deep space maneuvers, and re-entry. It's going to be expensive as all heck. Grav skimmers are rare in the Imperium already, and you'll notice most of the Imperial things with decent cargo capacity are winged air breathers, not space-capable.

Edited by Gavinfoxx

Gun cutters seem to be very popular vehicles for the inquisition. Their power however seems mostly the province of Inquisitors.

If you have Into the Storm, which you probably do seeing as you know the availability, you'll note the firepower on one of those things. The primary use may be "general purpose" but they're highly capable of every purpose save going toe to toe with a titan.

Even the venerable Inquisitor Eisenhorn only had one as his personal transport. There's a reason for that which is easier to figure out if you've played 40k. The **** thing is a repurposed THUNDERHAWK. They put in human sized chairs, replaced the turbolaser with some more quarters, yanked the lascannons for slightly more useful autocannons, and put a pretty nose on it. Still, it's a Thunderhawk, the Lord of War, king sized, army mauling, Space Marine primary transport. Unless you're for some reason going toe to toe with an aggressive harridan you're probably going to come out on top.

If you just need to fly around a solar system and go up and down to ships, you might want to have them buy something that wouldn't strain the resources of a Rogue Trader, maybe an Arvus or an Aquila? They don't have personal quarters I'll admit, but they get the job done without breaking the bank.

And how much would an Arvus or Aquila cost?

Was more or less seeking to give the players a mobile home.

I would say around 50-75k, as they are much smaller, and less armed, than the guncutter.

I thought an Arvus might have costed 10-20K(though in my rules I had Arvus and Aquila Lander's being unobtainable being Military hardware same with Russ's, Baneblades, Chimera's and such) but that changed once someone told me Arvus Lighters are also Civilian at least.

so, I'll have new/used ships then, new will have best of everything being expensive, a use Arvus would be like 25-30K bt have it's stats halved.

I mostly had Guncutters varying in price.

I'm also gonna ask this at other forums also but say I went to a Shipwright and ordered a Guncutter with:

4 lascannon's on turrets

A hull that can take a few hits from asteroid pieces

a crew quarters for about 6 individuals, not being personal space, more or less a locker close to each bed and wahtnot.

capable of traveling to and from planets within vision(for instance, a planet to moon, or planet to planet that are within 1-2 light years apart if even that)

unless i am grossly underestimating the distance between planets?

Ships in 40k aren't customizable.

It either comes from a blueprint and is put together EXACTLY down to the last rivet like that blueprint, or it's heresy. Every nut and bolt has to be turned the proper number of times, sanctified by the same type of holy machine oil and incense along with the exact holy prayers.

You don't get to customize, even if you want to. Even if the tyranids have evolved along the lines that lasguns and autoguns can't hurt them, they'll only equip the guard with lasguns, and *maybe* autoguns. Because this is the Imperium, and that's the WAY THINGS ARE DONE dammit. Progress is heresy, adaptation is heresy, free thought is heresy. The crime of ingenuity gets you lobotomized.

Gun cutters come with 0-4 twin linked heavy bolters, run by the gunner, two front facing autocannon, and quarters for six(which you can re-arrange to taste because move the dividers lol).

That's the way GW plays it, so **** right that's the way it's played.

Though with the right GM, they might find one under the third cookie jar to the right with guns that fire bon bons *wink*

Aka listen to me, but do what you want. Hell, I'm the guy with the party who killed an ork horde by turning the Vagabond they were on away from it and kicking the main engines on full blast... and the party that kicked the guy in the tau battlesuit off his own Warden gunship AS THEY WERE STEALING IT... so who am I to talk... -_- ,

That is not how Rogue Trader plays. You can remove, add and change components and weapons on your hull as much as you can afford to.

As for the prices I think that 30K Thrones is WAY too low for a shuttle/jet vehicle. Many prices of things are vaguely the same as in our modern world, and the 1 Throne = 1 $ is not too far off the mark. Considering that $35K is what you can expect to pay for a trailer (mobile home) today, and that "cheap" fighter jets are still in the range of 20 million, you can see that you're off by an order of magnitude.

Don't be afraid to add 0's to pricetags of these things. They're not sold on civilian markets, they're made for organisations whose budgets are in the multi-billion dollar ranges.

Edited by Darth Smeg

The Eisenhorn books describes his guncutter as 80m long and 450 tons.

By comparison thats as long as a coastguard cutter and as heavy as 5 main battle tanks. These are bigger than thunderhawks, over two and a half times as long as a Hercules air transport. Its longer than a Boeing 747, but lighter than a full loaded one.

Gun cutters, or at least Eisenhorn's one are BIG.

They should be appropriately expensive. A naval cutter costs about $50 million. So thats a good ballpark figure.

Note that at that size and comparative low weight, guncutters aren't practical military vehicles. The armour would be too low to be able to stand up to much abuse and its a big target. Therefore its a rich mans yacht, perfectly able to hose anyone wishing to give it problems, but not sufficient for military campaigns and liable to have real problems as soon as the heavy weapons get rolled out.