[FAQ] What problems do we need to see solved ???

By PRODIGEE, in CoC Rules Discussion


"His" is the good occurence .... I wouldn't blame anyone, mistake is mine !!!

@ Amante, by the way, may you explain me where in the rules or FAQ you found something that say that a character cannot commit to an unresolved story while defending ?? Is it a reference/analogy to Trent Dixon's ability ?

Maybe to this?

" Once the active player has committed one or more characters to a story, opponents are able to commit their
own characters, even if all of the active player’s characters are somehow removed from the story beforehand.
Furthermore, that story will resolve regardless of whether any characters are at that story.


@ Amante, by the way, may you explain me where in the rules or FAQ you found something that say that a character cannot commit to an unresolved story while defending ?? Is it a reference/analogy to Trent Dixon's ability ?

Maybe to this?

" Once the active player has committed one or more characters to a story, opponents are able to commit their
own characters, even if all of the active player’s characters are somehow removed from the story beforehand.
Furthermore, that story will resolve regardless of whether any characters are at that story.

Just because you can't commit to defend stories where there is no attacking characters. (rules p.9, step 2).
And because "each story card (that contains committed characters) must be resolved" [or has contained characters, FAQ p.11, committing to Stories]. So Stories with no committed characters don't resolve.

(v1.0) Committing to Stories
Once the active player has committed
one or more characters to a story,
opponents are able to commit their
own characters, even if all of the active
player’s characters are somehow removed
from the story beforehand.
Furthermore, that story will resolve
regardless of whether any characters are
at that story.

Si tu regardes bien, c'est ce que j'ai écrit plus tôt gran_risa.gif .

Je voulais juste vérifier qu'on est bien sur la même longueur d'ondes, c'était tout !!!

SIlly Forum with total lack of usefulness !!!! enfadado.gif

sorry for the double post !