I started playing x-wing around march of last year, so i missed the store championship rotation and didn't want to drive 3 hours for a regional (i really hope theres one in dc this year) but theres a new year so i can participate finally. (yaaay) So i've got 3 lists im thinking about bringing to the local store championships. Im attending 3 in total, but theres a chance i might be asked to TO for one of them. So my question is which list should i take. (all 3 lists ive played for 4-5 months now so im confident with each of them)
List 1-
Sigma squadron, SPA, Recon Specialist - 30 pt
Sigma squadron, SPA, Recon Specialist - 30 pt
Omicron Group Pilot, Darth Vader - 24 pt
Backstabber - 16 pt
Total 100
This list is the first phantom list i took to tournaments after having appaling luck both with and against whisper. (4 dice blanks on hlc, crits are direct hits, etc) so i decided to not take 40 points in 4 hp, and instead went with consistency in my phantom shots. The list runs pretty similar to an old school b wing hlc list, its very alpha strikey, wants to be at range three, and formation flying tends to go out of the window by turn 4-5. I've had alot of success with this against swarm, not so much against phantoms otoh. The space cow i really like in the list as it offers some assurance against swarms (one hit and crit on an interceptor swarm is nice, or just howlrunner) while also being pretty decent if you can get a shot on a phantom. (free hits are choice in that situation) Backstabber is just a nice distraction, not really that neccessary but when he works it really works. (list can also be run with an academy and fcs on the phantoms, didn't like that idea since no gunner though)
List 2-
Sigma squadron, SPA, Recon Specialist - 30 pt
Sigma squadron, SPA, Recon Specialist - 30 pt
Turr Phenir, VI - 26 pt
Academy Pilot - 12 pt
Total 98
A slight change in the original list to help against the high ps bidding phantoms. I exchange the shuttle for Phenir so i can play alittle more of a detterent for whispers and especially echo's, as they tended to be the weakspot of the previous list. The downgrade of backstabber to the academy pilot isn't a major hit, and has actually come very handy against swarms and headhunters. I left the 2 points to make a pretty good iniative bid, as i find most lists arn't willing to be run 3 points short, so i can at least force a die roll.
List 3-
Colonel Vessory, adrenaline rush, hlc - 43 pt
Omicron Group Pilot, Darth Vader- 24 pt
Sigma squadron, SPA, Recon Specialist, FCS- 32 pt
total 99
And the obligatory Defender list. Im actually a huge fan of Vessory, i think he has some of the best offensive output out of any imperial ship, and when combined with a doom shuttle and the phantom equals alot of firepower that i can project on a ship. The shuttle is the tl that vessory tends to work of off, but the phantoms can be used to in a pinch, while also not projecting his intended target. adrenaline rush helps keep him in the action with a white 1 or 2 turn, and overall its a fun list to fly. ( an interesting idea to try though is ruthlessness on vessory, dropping the fcs. he has the highest chance of hitting out of any imperial pilot, and isn't forced to spend his slot on anything like whisper is with vi.)
So those are the 3 lists, all 3 ive run pretty successfully in tourneys, but my local meta doesn't include much fat hans and the like. There are swarm players though, which is why i like to include a little something for them in each list if possible.
Edited by Truegreek