Skirmish Squad: Rebel Defense

By Jonnyb815, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

Rebel Defense

-Chewie 15
-Luke 10
-Jyn 5
-Diala 7
-Gideon 3

Command Cards
Urgency 0,
To the limit 0,
Take Init 0,
Telekinetic Throw 1,
Planning 0,
Take it down 3,
Element of Suprise 0,
Son of skywalker3,
Knowledge and defense 2,
one in a million 2,
Take Cover,

Will Change when Chewie command cards come out I bet. The command cards are still up in the air.

I run pretty much the same squad. I don't know if I like Jyn or Saboteurs better though. I think you need to run Luke and Diala since most of the good cards to run are force users.

I am going for a them build Jedi and Smugglers so Saboteurs wont fit. They arent defensive out side of stun. Yes they have area damage which the squad needs and a better fit. Yeah she is better in my version of smugglers and spies which is han, chewie, a set a saboteurs and her gideon. I am going for theme first meta second in this game since it looks like the balance of the game will let me do that. For only having 32 figures this is a really balanced game since thats about the number of playable figures wotc would of gave us.

After getting in a few more games I think the rebels are just as good as vader in the right hands. What I like about this build is that I can keep luke up front vs Choke or troopers since he should be able to handle them pretty well with Block+2 and a white die. With recover he can take on the chokes. Without having the numbers vs choke as least there is somewhat of an answer.

Edited by Jonnyb815