Opportunist Three Amigos

By Teh HOBO, in X-Wing Squad Lists

Been thinking about X-wings since everyone's down on them lately, how's this:

Wes/Veteren Instincts/R7-T1

Wedge/Opportunist/R2 unit

Porkins/Opportunist or PTL/R5-D8

Dunno if Opportunist or PTL(more thematic) works better on Jek.

Why not Luke?

Wes, VI, R3-A2

Wedge, Opportunist, R2

Luke, Opportunist, R2

As you'll be taking a lot of stress on two of the ships you might as well add some to the third for a bit more control.

Why not Luke?

Because I wanted to use the fat man as well, but yeah Luke makes the list better.

Well, Jek, Opportunist, R5-D8 should work nicely as well, it is a solid list.

These lists start with some offensive punch, but Wes will get focused down quick because once he's gone it's a lot harder to pull off your Opportunists, effectively taking 8 more points of upgrades and 2 more attack dice with him when he dies.

Greetings, all.

What do you think about this?

Wedge Antilles — X-Wing 29
Push the Limit 3
R2 Astromech 1
Engine Upgrade 4

Wes Janson — X-Wing 29
Swarm Tactics 2
R3-A2 2

"Hobbie" Klivian — X-Wing 25
R2-D6 1
Opportunist 4

You could run Hobbie as Wes's wingmate, Wedge as a sort of flanker. And frankly, I think "Three amigos" fits these three more than any other X-wing combination.

Edited by Grand Moff Turtle