HWK and Vessery Lists? Critique Please

By Heterozygous, in X-Wing Squad Lists

Target Lock the Target Lock


Omicron Group Pilot(21)+Vader(3)+ST-321(3)=27

TIE Defender

Colonel Vessery(35)+VI(1)=36

TIE Phantom

Echo(30)+VI(1)+FCS(2)+Adv Coaking Device(4)=37

Total 100

Row the Boat

*Unreleased Content*


Wild Space Fringer(30)+*Mangler Cannon*(4)+Outrider(5)=39


Jan Ors(25)+Blaster Turret(4)+Rec Spec(3)=32


Wedge Antilles(29)=29 OR Luke Skywalker(28)+R2 Astromech(1)=29

Total 100



Jan Ors(25)+Blaster Turret(4)+Rec Spec(3)=32


Etahn A'baht(32)+VI(1)+FCS(2)=35


Wedge Antilles(29)+R2 Astromech(1)+Predator(3)=33

Total 100

What are your thoughts on these lists? I cant decide if a HWK-290 would hold up in games anymore. I like the Jan/Wedge combo but am wondering what would work better as a 3rd ship. Forgive the unreleased content, but I'm willing to wait until S&V is out to try these if it means the HWK can be cool again.

Also what do you guys think about the Vessery list? He seems to work well in this but are there better defender combos? What do you do with the remaining 65 Points after Vessery?

Edited by Heterozygous

I like your first list.

I would personally drop the Shuttle title for a Weapon Engineer on Echo so you become less predictable next turn by tagging two ships and allowing you to TL the ship Vessery is just about to shoot at the same PS.

Other than that, 4 Bombers worked great for me or 2 Interceptors with PtL and TC, especially once Autothruster comes out.