Hello all...
Do we have a clue from the presented material if the character creation will involve a career system like WFRP or a class0like system like DH?
To be honest I would much prefer a career system as diversified as the one in WFRP...
Hello all...
Do we have a clue from the presented material if the character creation will involve a career system like WFRP or a class0like system like DH?
To be honest I would much prefer a career system as diversified as the one in WFRP...
Most likely a class tree like Dark Heresy. We've been given a few examples both in the announcement and again in the free adventure but not really enough to have a career system like Warhammer Fantasy.
I've never played DH, but does the "class" system works well? Can you switch form one class tree to another through the campaign?
To be honest, the career system (with the great setting) is what really attracted me to WFRP. I was hoping to have the same basis for RT.
Well, thanks to the Emperor's Bounty, I'd say its using the same system as Dark Heresy (each of the characters has a Career, and then a "Rank: 1" written to the left of their Careers).
Still, I like both systems, so I'd be happy either way.
I love the WFRP system, but find that the DH system has some advantages: It allows you top specialize withing your class, without forcing you to "complete" ranks by purchasing every available skill or talent.
It was always a discussion in our WFRP groups wether you really had to learn all the Secret Signs or other "useless" skills that either were never used or didn't fit with your character concept.
For example, a Veteran would need to max his BS advancements in order to advance, even if he never used ranged weapons at all. With the DH system you pick and choose, but need to meet certain minimum requirements to proceed.
I enjoy the points rank in DH. Your career stays the same but you are the one that chooses the build. Coupled with the extra rules in the handbook I think it balances the loss of the "tree" builds. I would think RT would keep it.
Class we have so far:
Rank 1 with multiple 40+ stats. No, that's not a proper DH career.
I am hoping that they have the 'alternate rank' system for RT like they do for DH. These do allow for the characters to diversify even more.
Does anybody know if RT is going to have a Tech Priest type career available as a PC?
I think there are perhaps one or two additional classes, something in the line of a Transmechanic or the Explorator
Character creation will be the same as DH, no doubt, perhaps they have special packages you can buy to give you a special ability.
The premade characters special abilities are prolly a combination of talents and homeworld advantages combined for sake of easy play.
rcsob657 said:
Rank 1 with multiple 40+ stats. No, that's not a proper DH career.
Just a guess but I think the power level has gone up with this game, and I imagine if they do make Death Watch then that game will be even higher level.
yes, I know. My guess is base stats will be 30s and then adding the 2d10. Or some combination thereof.
Joe_momma said:
rcsob657 said:
Rank 1 with multiple 40+ stats. No, that's not a proper DH career.
Just a guess but I think the power level has gone up with this game, and I imagine if they do make Death Watch then that game will be even higher level.
Don't think they start more powerful, as said before, they prolly beefed up the character to show of how cool RT is.
It is kind of hard to show off using 1d10+2 laspistols and 1d10 primitive swords with little to no chance of hitting with them.
No they want to show you how cool you can be instead of how sucky you truly are at start.
Though I do think starting rogue trader characters will be better equiped, the profit score prolly allows you to buy things in bulk.
For examples:
I a profit score of 1 reprisents 100.000 thrones a 250 throne boltpistol wont chew of an entire level...
@ Santiago - I really dont think that is it at all. It makes sense for a Rogue Trader crew to have good equiptment, these are not randoms on the bottom rung like Dark Heresy characters are, one of them owns a starship, if he can afford to run that he can afford power swords. I think that the stats will be buffed for starting characters. I don't think the gap will be so large that you cannot fit Dark Heresy characters in, especaially ones with some experiance. After 1500exp the stat difference will not be so obvious and the Dark Heresy characters will have quite a few more skills and talents.
Just because the games are compatible doesn't mean the characters have to start off the same. A Dark Heresy starting character represents someone who has little experiance and is relatively new to his own job never mind being an agent of the Inquisition whereas a starting Rogue Trader character represents someone who has worked his way up to the inner circle of a Rogue Traders crew or is from a very powerful family giving them access to much better training. That is why in my opinion Rogue Trader characters will be more powerful than Dark Heresy ones.
I'm still largely on the fence about this power level thing. It makes sense that a level one Explorer is tougher then a level one Agent of the Inquistion, it also makes sense that these characters were min-maxed into certain roles to make things simple.
I'm also under the impression that there may be one more class we haven't seen yet. We have Science, Medical (or at least Chaplin,) Security, Helm, Comms, Navigation, and the Captain. That leaves Engineering (which admitedly could be squeezed under Seneschal.)
Psion said:
I'm still largely on the fence about this power level thing. It makes sense that a level one Explorer is tougher then a level one Agent of the Inquistion, it also makes sense that these characters were min-maxed into certain roles to make things simple.
I'm also under the impression that there may be one more class we haven't seen yet. We have Science, Medical (or at least Chaplin,) Security, Helm, Comms, Navigation, and the Captain. That leaves Engineering (which admitedly could be squeezed under Seneschal.)
I think a right and proper ship would have it's own chapel packed with enginseers and Tech-Priests to insure the ship continues in a helpful and healthy manner. If and Rogue Trader Captain is forking out the resources for a Navigator, then it stands to reason he would want some of the best techies on his ship to insure it continues functioning properly and can be healed after battle or misshape.
Graver said:
True, but we don't know if those are tech-priests persay... at least I don't.
Hmmm Maybe you could have a ship manned by some of the remnants of a certain short, stocky, bearded group of abhumans. They were pretty savvy with tech.
Psion said:
Graver said:
True, but we don't know if those are tech-priests persay... at least I don't.
Tech-Priests as in the career found in DH and fallowing their advancement scheme? Not likely. Tech-Priests as in members of the Adaptus Mechanicus? Highly likely. After all, they are the only guys who know how most anything on a ship was built and, while they train others to maintain such machines, they are more then likely the only guys who would know how to do any major repairing or replacement of such a device should it become damaged or know where, how, and what parts to get to replace those that have been damaged. That's the kind of knowledge I don't think they would spread around to laymen much and insures that they maintain their power base. That's the kind of know-how a Rogue Trader would want on his ship should the worst happen and his warp engines become damaged several hundred lightyears out in the dark beyond His light.
Graver said:
All very good points, even though a Rogue Trader and his retinue are apparently somewhat "flexible" in picking up knowledges that are somewhat monopolized (at least as far as Nathin is concerned in the demo,) there is only so much they can learn. Still, as someone else pointed out else where, the Ad Mech representives most often encountered in that setting still don't really seem to have much reason to hang around a Rogue Trader much less take orders from one.
It remains to be seen.
Rogue Traders are more or less resepected members of the Imperial Society, and their ships are full of ancient technology.
I think this is more than enough reason for a Tech Priest to accompany a Rogue Trader, or not?
I'm curious about how the "special bonus" traits will be (like the +10% to a Shooting Roll for the Arch Militant) and how they will develop in the higher levels.
More special traits? Or will the given bonuses rise?
They might not even exist (traits), but be a group of talents mixed together for simplicity and space in this into (demo). Of course they might.
The special abilities looked like they were not just abbreviated Talents. The Rogue Trader's Special Ability doesn't look like any Talent that existed in Dark Heresy, or any Homeworld Trait either. The Arch-Milirtant one did have a bit which was similar to a Talent, but the rest looked totally different, so again, not one, and the Seneshal one looks totally new in style. I think Special Abilities are something totally new for Rogue Trader. You probably get one ( or get to choose one from a small selection) depending on your class, and it is just meant to further represent the difference in level between a starting DH character and a RT character, without just vastly increasing stats and the number and level of skills (They don't have that many more skills than many DH characters, and only there are only 2 at +10, presumably so there is still somewhere to grow).
Odium said:
I think this is more than enough reason for a Tech Priest to accompany a Rogue Trader, or not?
I'm curious about how the "special bonus" traits will be (like the +10% to a Shooting Roll for the Arch Militant) and how they will develop in the higher levels.
More special traits? Or will the given bonuses rise?
- It is enough for a Tech Priest to accompany a Rogue Trader, but is it enough for one we can use as a PC? That is the question others are asking. I can see the possiblity of a Ad Mech Explorator or Magos attaching himself to a RT's retinue to either to investigate an accusation of tech heresy or to have a front-row seat to any interesting tech gewy-gaw that the RT has pass through his hands. But admittedly purists would find that to be a bit of a stretch.
- Blessing of the Omnissiah?
I dont recall the rogue trader novels "Star of Damocles" or "Rogue Star" by Andy Hoare mentioning tech priests as part of the crew. But the Imperial Navy definitly has them. But to fly the vessel without them would be sacrilege.