Another anti meta rebel build

By RobotViking0066, in X-Wing Squad Lists

i have only been playing Xwing approx a month, and i have ships i havent flowm yet. my lgs is heavy with large ships and pbantoms. so i have been brainstorming what would be good agzinst both. This list uses ships amd upgrades i currently own.

Wedge (29)

Marksmanship (3)

R5-K6 (2)

Roark (19)

Blaster Turret (4)

Rec. Spec. (3)

Blie Sqd (22)

FCS (2)

Tala (13)

Proton Rockets (3)

i realise there is a shortage of green dice in this squad, at the same time Wedge and the Blue are highly aggressive with Roark supporting the Blue and Tala.

Critique is welcome and invited. :)

I wouldnt Procket the tala you'll never get it off

If I was me, I would switch fcs to advanced sensors, drop the prockets and then change the droid on wedge to r2d2

Edited by Bloodstripe Baron

i like your suggestions and will give it a run. I'm picking up a Firespray next week ( located one have it on hold for msrp YAY) so i may play imperial last minute lol

My favorite crew and turret for the HWK is Chewbacca and Ion cannon turret. (Wouldnt change that price) also I agree with the switch to accommodate the R2D2

only problem is without too much damage mitigation wedge is going to get targeted early and often. named Phantoms will get the jump on him. i run a similar list that has had some success but is still in flux. i drop the pocketrocket and wedge for luke with lonewolf r5p9 and stealth. the defensive rerolls have been nice with lukes ability.

i considered a wedge/biggs/jan joust squad but i realise that trio would only be somewhat effective in higher point casual. games where biggs could gain more support

Another idea:

Luke (28)

LW (2)

R2D2 (4)

Roark (19)

BT (4)

Rec Spec (3)

Blount (17)

Prockets (3)

Cracken (19)

99 points for bid.

Proton rockets are just not usually the right option for z-95's. I know its a 4 dice attack but there's usually plenty of ways to better spend those 3 points.

I prefer R5P9 on luke. R2D2 restricts you to just a few short green manuvers and you become predicatable. whereas R5P9 opens up your dial. While it is true you need to give up the action to use it, i have found that due to LW for defense you mitigate at least one damage through pilot ability and the stealth gives you an extra die for dodges. with the roak/BT/RecSpec that =62. can get a dagger with FCS and a bandit. or a blue with advs and a bandit. or a blue with fcs and a tala?

Edited by cubby09

i currently dont have a copy of r5p9 or i would equip that droid.

the regs at my lgs, 2 play phantom deci and normally take echo over whisper, and only one guy upgrades with vi, which is why im leaning towards a wedge/ roark build to get the first shots off. the idea is a trio ( roark/pilot/pilot) and a flanking x (wedge or luke) or a flanking B.

Thanks for the feedback, I'll definitely be testing your input.

Edited by RobotViking0066

I'm going to recommend this for you. Based on what you've posted above I think you have all of these ships and upgrades. Here is a solid build simple build that I think you might like.

Roark + MC + Chewbacca + Ion Turret

Cracken + Swarm Tactics

x2 Blue Squadron Pilots + FCS

Blues with FCS tend to burn through big ships. Roak and cracken let you shoot first with multiple ships, and you get strong action economy. This list won the Spainish Nationals, and it went top 16 at worlds. It's simple, but very strong.

If you don't have 2 B-Wings you can sub this instead.

Blout + Swarm Tactics + (Assault Missile/Homing Missile) Take Assault if you see swarms in your area, take Homing if you see small 2/3 ship builds.

I played against this list yesterday. Id drop marksmanship for predator. I used Vader and two defenders and won.

Yeah that was me lol and im gonna make some suggested changes

Ahh lol ok whats up man.

roark drop bt add ion t and SD

Ten Numb+mark+fcs



potential for PS 12 + 3 PS8+free actions (cracken)+high crit possibilties (ten)

and my oppment will have tougher decisions to make when evaluating threats

wouldn't put stealth device on Roark, upping agility to 3 isn't a guarantee to last, and those points could go somewhere else. Not sure if I like the tala, maybe bandit + missile?

stealth was an idea due to playtesting. there are alot of great suggestions, and im also keeping my lgs enviroment in mind as well.

That and upgrades i own or will soon have. i even considered lando since rollimg dice to get tokens is fun :P

BenVader and I had some anti meta fun yesterday, but the other regs either play dub large rebel or deci phantom (echo)

I admit a 2nd B is needed and then most likely the build will be Garnet Cracken BB.

I do like the bandit packing heat suggestion, I'll give it a run.

Edited by RobotViking0066