i have only been playing Xwing approx a month, and i have ships i havent flowm yet. my lgs is heavy with large ships and pbantoms. so i have been brainstorming what would be good agzinst both. This list uses ships amd upgrades i currently own.
Wedge (29)
Marksmanship (3)
R5-K6 (2)
Roark (19)
Blaster Turret (4)
Rec. Spec. (3)
Blie Sqd (22)
FCS (2)
Tala (13)
Proton Rockets (3)
i realise there is a shortage of green dice in this squad, at the same time Wedge and the Blue are highly aggressive with Roark supporting the Blue and Tala.
Critique is welcome and invited.