Vent's Imperial Assault Stuff...

By Vent, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

We're starting the campaign tomorrow and my character is Jyn Odan. I figured that it's always better to be painted than not so I spent a couple of hours painting her up. These game pieces are not painter friendly, and it felt like I was pushing a boulder uphill... Still, happy enough with how it turned out. Orange is an interesting colour to paint...

I've removed her gun and replaced it with another. While the detail is OK, the gun and hand on mine was shocking. It was a bubbly mess, so I snipped the wrist and gave her a cybernetic hand as well... I like the gun better as well, as it was she was trying to be a Solo ripoff.

I don't know what kind of plastic they are using but cleaning the mold lines is a pain for some reason on these figures. After going through a few stormtroopers I just decided that it isn't necessary for these figures.

And painting these are a bit troublesome as the details are not as accurate as some other manufacturers models' are. They look a lot better painted though.

Nice work with Jyn btw. I like that orange/black coat. :)

Very, very well done.

One modification, one custom build. Both WiP.

The modification is Gideon Argus. I despised the original sculpt. It had a drunken disgraced soldier feel to it, the Macrobinoculars looked like a flask and his gun was... strange. So I decided to make him a touch more... aggressive. I like the look ^_^


The custom build is a Jedi. Making him look like a SW:ToR Jedi Guardian, but most likely with twin blades. The bluetac is for guide purposes, obviously... ^_^

He's next to the Royal Guard for size comparison.


Work starts tomorrow on Stormtroopers and E-Webs...

Edited by Vent

<<<Opinion starts here>>>

While I dig the conversion work, Gideon Argus is a much more of a veteran strategist, relaying information and issuing orders, not so much a two-blaster wielding gunslinger.

What if in his off-hand he were holding a communicator of some kind, or holding a holo-transmitter, or some other communications device? Maybe he's gonna call down an air strike, give the word to the rebel saboteurs to blow up a power junction or give the order to rebel techs to slice the security system of the bunker door?

Just a thought.

Love the work.

Edited by Fizz

<<<Opinion starts here>>>

What if in his off-hand he were holding a communicator of some kind, or holding a holo-transmitter, or some other communications device?

I'll have to dig into the bitz box, but that's not a bad idea...

It it would be an awesome excuse to try to paint a hand held holo-projector, as to how you would paint the actual hologram...i have no earthy idea...