Defeat while declaring attack - Still rolling dices?

By Baer, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions


During the last Skirmish Map we had IG-88 attacking an Nexu, the Nexu had 1 HP left and the IG-88 was in Range for his effect "If declaring an attack against a figure within 3 spaces or less, the target receives 1 Stran".

My Opponent choosed the DMG and so the Nexu got defeated.

The Question we had:

Is the Nexu immediatly removed from the board or can I still roll my attack dices to trigger some Surge Abilites like Recover 3 Dmg ?

Since you had to declare the attack (Step 1) you would then deal the final point of damage, killing the Nexu (see below for important note about strain in Skirmish). You immediately remove it from the map along with any condition and/or damage tokens (See "Defeated" RRG Page 10). This would then prevent you from moving to Step 2: Roll Dice, since you no longer have a target figure to roll against, as you cannot attack an empty space. (Extrapolated from "Interrupt", RRG, Page 15 where an interrupt can make the current action or ability invalid)

Strain damage in a skirmish can be prevented by discarding command cards. (See "Strain", RRG Page 23)

Edited by Fizz

Okay thanks for the RRG References.

Yeah but I already strained my opponent out of Command cards at that time :D

I felt like including it for the sake of completeness.
