Advanced Training

By Guest, in News

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Attention BattleLore Commanders!

Field your armies with boosted Dwarven Cattle Riders and the improved Goblin Sling ammunition designed by BattleLore creator, Richard Borg! Commanders can print out the following altered cards that take the place of the existing cards of the same name.

goblin-slingers-sm.png cattle-riders-sm.png

Click on the images above to download the new unit cards or follow the links below.

Dwarven Cattle Riders Unit Card (PDF, 2.2 MB)
Goblin Sling Weapon Card (PDF, 2.1 MB)

Set in a world that bridges history and fantasy, BattleLore is board game that puts players in command of a vast array of miniature troops on the battlefields of medieval Europe. Using the easy-to-learn Commands and Colors system, players can wage thrilling battles without a lengthy time commitment.