Trying to decide on a tournament list

By tsefardayah, in X-Wing Squad Lists

I've got a store tournament coming up tomorrow with 60 minute rounds.

I tried 3 different list on Vassal yesterday and won with each of them, making my decision of what to take harder. I haven't played much lately, so I'm not sure exactly what I'll be facing.

Last tournament, I took Keyan, Jake, Cracken, and a Green Squadron (I don't remember the exact upgrades). I played against HLC Outrider Dash + Prototype Pilots (I don't remember how many A-wings there were), 2 Academy Pilots + named TIE Bombers, Han + Biggs, and a Rebel list that had something like Keyan, Cracken, Biggs and something else. I only beat the last list.

Here's what I tried last night:
5 Green Squadron Pilots all with the Refit vs. Jendon, Rhymer, Whisper.

One each of the A-wings had PTL, Lone Wolf, Outmaneuver, Wingman, and Opportunist.

Killed a Jendon in one round of shooting. Got Whisper maybe two turns later. Stopped the game with 2 hull left on Major Rhymer. I took no hull damage and think I only lost something like 3 shields. I remember one beautiful 3 evade roll against Whisper.

Second game:

3 YT-2400: Fringer with Recon Spec, Fringer with APL, and Eaden with Recon Spec vs. Whisper and Echo.

Just tried to crowd in around the Phantoms. 1st round of shooting I lost all of Eaden's shields and don't think I did any return damage. Again, I escaped with no hull damage.

I almost never was able to use double focus because I rolled hits with my reds and blanks with my greens almost every time. APL got one shot and did one damage.

Third game:

Wedge with Stay on Target and the astromech that lets you roll to get your target lock back, Keyan with VI, Adv. Sensors, E2 + Jan. Jake with test pilot, VI, PTL, and proton rockets.

Played against the two Phantoms again. Lost Wedge, but didn't take any damage on the other two.

Fourth game:

Back to the 5 Greens against a Decimator and Whisper at pilot skills 10 and 9.

Flew terribly. One of my A-wings had that critical hit that causes damage when you bump, and I bumped the Decimator, killing him. Two others died to a Decimator one shot with a direct hit. A fourth took a hit and direct hit with only 1 hull left anyway. I think I got about 4 hull hits in on the Decimator and didn't touch the Phantom.

I just can't make up my mind. I bought the 5th A-wing last week when B&N restocked, and the 2nd and 3rd YT-2400 a couple of days ago. It kind of seems like the triple YTs would be good for the short rounds because I can run away with a damaged one. Not sure how long they'd last against a HLC Dash, or if I'd be able to get enough damage against a Decimator.

The Green Squadron squad was a lot of fun, although I was never able to use Lone Wolf.

The squadron with the 3 9's was great fun as well because Adv. Sensors Keyan and Jake are really easy to place after everyone else has moved. It also seems like the one I'm most likely to have trouble with in the 5th or 6th game when my brain stops working.

Which would you pick of those three?

Oh well, guess no one was interested in commenting.

Took 3 YT-2400 Wild Space Fringers, with one Autoblaster, one Ion Cannon, and one Anti-pursuit laser.

First game versus Lambda + 6 Tie Fighters. Opponent forgot to set a dial for the Lambda after being hit by one ion (he said he was "ready" and I asked where the dial was). Later, I kind of wished I'd just flown it off the side to even things out. One YT-2400 did really well in a combat turn against 6 TIE fighers, I only lost 3 shields. Tried to do a 4 straight to get behind the swarm, but it wasn't far enough to clear, so I got all bunched up in a bump mess and taken out pretty soon after with no real hope of a comeback with my 2 versus 7 ships. End result 25 - 100 (I got two TIEs).

Second game versus Chewbacca + Leebo, only killed Leebo, although I did manage to remove Chewbacca's shields using only the Anti-pursuit laser. I had a bet setup because I was in a hurry and somehow missed that his Leebo had Autoblaster turret (I guess because I was playing Autoblaster cannon on my YT-2400). He also had Predator on both ships which he used more often to reroll criticals from his Autoblaster than anything else. 51 - 100 (I got Leebo).

Third game versus Decimator and Phantom. Killed Phantom early with Autoblaster, then lost two YT-2400s before knocking out the Decimator. 100 - 65.

Fourth game versus Decimator and Defender. Hit the Defender early with Autoblaster, killed it with Anti-pursuit laser. Made a mistake on the facing of one of my YT-2400s (thought it was going away, but it was towards me) when it had the action-removing critical, and since I couldn't barrel roll after the mistake, I had to fly it off the board the next turn. Luckily he'd already hit it 9 times (he spent his focus once to turn over the three hits from heavy laser cannon). Lost another YT-2400 on an asteroid (he'd already hit that one 9 times as well), and finished up with I think 2 shields left on my last YT-2400. Final was 100 - 68 (although I felt it should have been 168 - 0 since I killed all the ships).

2 - 2 didn't make it to the top 8, but played a casual game with someone who'd missed the tournament.

Fifth game versus Firespray, Lambda, and two TIEs. I had learned by this point to keep my guys spread out from each other at the start. Lost 3 shields on one YT-2400 plus two shields on another from Ruthlessness before I killed the TIEs. Kept rolling 3 evades over and over once my Anti-pursuit laser ship was down to 1 hull, although it finally fell to the shuttle in the turn I destroyed the Firespray. Swung around to mop up the shuttle. 100 - 32.