This is a list I am working on in response to Vader's Fist. The theme focuses on taking two walkers and 2-3 officers and a boat load of speed boosting cards.
AT ST 14
Weiss 16
Elite Officer 5
Elite Officer 5
Alternatively you can drop one elite officer for two greys, giving you more ATST pushes and a better shot at taking initiative. You can also swap out Wiess for an AT ST and a third grey officer.
The command cards are pretty straight forward. Keep things fast and unstunned. A little damage is fine but your focus is on keeping the ATSTs flying around the map.
Most objective games do not offer enough VPs to win without scoring a kill. However, you can't shoot your way out of every encounter. This list is dedicated to securing and threatening objectives and getting enough kills on top to push it over 40 vp.
Depending on the situation, you'll have to make a choice between activating the officers or ATSTs first. It depends on the likelyhood of first round shooting and the need to claim objectives. ATSTs are your work horse and getting them on objectives or into key areas is key, but so is maintaining distance from the threats. All the Jedi and wookie characters are bad news and aside from Chewbacca, the best defense is staying 5+ away. Wiess had +2 acc and the ATSTs have +3. The trade off here is that Wiess does not have Awkward. This means with the atst we are safely shooting at 5-7 range without much fear. Weiss can do even better by taking two blue die.
The current instinct is to ignore ATSTs, and since the officers are small fish, many players will go after the objectives quickly. You like that with this list. You want to position yourself to threaten and
Punish objective taking, but don't forget ATSTs can take objectives too. The holocron yavin mission is probably the hardest to score objectives on but also the easiest to punish the other guys for. The other yavin mission allows you to take two and threaten two more objectives in the first round with the atst due to its size extending so much control.
Losing an ATST is not always a death sentence. Losing one is pretty typical, so plan ahead in scoring those VPs back.
When confronting vader's fist, the general idea is to send Wiess to double surge Blast 3 against the Royal Guard, as they will typically have three storm troopers and maybe an officer or vader next to them. Blast 3 wipes out all the stormtroopers in one shot and breaks through vader's armor and ignores Protector. Then threaten objectives. With Wiess, the best combination of dice for this is Yellow Yellow Green, or blue if your taking a shot a distance away.
There is no avoiding combat with vader. With their own officer and Pummel, he can keep up. Instead, set it up so he has to take shots from both ATSTs. Avoid letting one take all the damage.
Updates incoming
Edited by PlayerNine