Gemmer Sojan + Stealth Device + Proton Rockets + A-Wing Test Pilot + Lone Wolf.
This is a lot of points for an unreliable A-Wing pilot, but I want to try it out. He's failed me every time I've used him, but for some reason I still really like Gemmer lol.
How would you fill in the last 70 points?
Fit This Gemmer into a list.
58 point dash and a bandit. Dash wants to keep at distance anyway and it let's gemmer get in close.
Gemmer + Lone Wolf + Proton Rockets + Stealth Device + Test Pilot
Dash + HLC + Outrider + Lando + EU + Predator
Bandit Squadron
I would probably drop the PRockets. I find it difficult enough to get them to launch with Tycho at PS8 with DD, EI, and PTL against higher PS targets, so I can't seem them being used that often on Gemmer since you can't even boost (since you need a Focus to fire them) to get them off. Plus, people people don't want to be R1 of Gemmer anyways since his ability increases his survivability, so if you're shooting at him, you may as well target R2 (yes, the +1 attack is better than the +1 evade, but if a single person is not shooting him at R1, then you'd have been better off everyone being at R2+).. and if you're not shooting at him, then you don't want to give him a free extra attack die. Adding Prockets just makes it that much more important to not be in R1 of him.
As for how to fill out the remaining 75 points, I would think about something like the following:
Corran w/ FCS R2D2 PTL
Luke w/ R5P9
Gemmer w/ CR LW SD
The point being that Gemmer is far from the #1 target, so he should be able to live till end game since both Luke and Corran regen and will be targeted first because of that. And then when not too many ships are shooting at him, with 4-5 agility dice plus a reroll (which is essentially an additional die), he should be able to turtle it up and slowly chip away at any non Fat Han.
that could be a pretty survivable list.
Here's my thoughts on Gemmer. I agree with dropping the Proton Rockets, they are great on paper, hard in game. Drop Lone Wolf and replace it with Predator/Outmaneuver . I say this because mid game is when you will need Gemmer to be a target instead of Wedge/Corran, and chances are you'll often be somewhere in range 1-2 of them, since Gemmer excels at range 1 of the enemy and it makes sense that corran and wedge would want to be there too.
Also if you are up for it, drop stealth device fore VI and Flachette Torpedoes on Corran for anti phantom/interceptors, and also beating out Han for shooting.
Gemmer Sojan 22
Chardaan Refit -2
Test Pilot 0
Predator 3
Corran Horn 35
R2-D2 4
Veteran Instincts 1
Flachette Torpedoes 2
Wedge Antilles 29
Outmaneuver 3
R2 Astromech 1
Total 100
Alternate- Replace Flachettes & VI for Stealth Device on Gemmer.
I like Gemmer, and have played a few games with him, but I usually upgrade him to Jake Farrell if i have the points due to a better ability/PS.
Just spit-balling, feel free to take it or leave it.
I'd drop the prockets n put expose instead of lone wolf add experimental interface (yeah go decimator with an a wing I know heh) and chaardan refit for 27, so u got 3 points for something extra
Edited by eibonOh, just go haywire, presenting the Flying Circus:
You could also drop the Expose for Outmaneuver to give Arvel Intimidation.
3 Blue squadron Bwings and 2 of them get FCS.
I really like the flying circus list, I'll give it a shot, although I might try to fit intimidation on Arvel. They seem to pair together well.
Intimidation on Arvel for sure. It'll be even harder to get him to hit guys with VI.