So, I'm looking for some opinions on Eldar ships. As the "preeminent race in space" that also happens to have ship stats presented, how well do they fare vs. players? I know that they don't have void shields, so that might sting; they DO have holo-fields, which can make them hard to HIT, but their Hull strength is a bit less, and their armor might be meh. Holos seem nice, but I often hear about people who, among their parties, really cheese up numerous stats, so I'm not sure if the +110 to BS checks party will care. They have some useful torpedoes, but I'm thinking they'll lack Nova cannons, or some similar "big hit" gun. Add to this that the Eldar seem to favor lances, which seem to kind of stink without Mathhammer, or something similar.
How well do you find they work? What little changes, if any have you used to make them more potent, as I feel Eldar should be, or do you find them efficient, as is?