when building a deck

By muttlee, in Rules questions & answers

When building a deck and I use for example lore, spirit and tactics hero's and I base my cards on them spheres.

If let's say i have an attachment in the tactics sphere that's gives a bonus to gondor hero's however my gondor hero is let's say in the lore sphere. Can i still play and attach this to the gondor hero because I still have my tactics hero in play even tho its not going on my tactics hero?

I hope that makes sense.

Many thanks

yah, If I understand you your asking whether you can play attachments on heroes not of the sphere of the hero the attachment is played on and the answer is yes. unless, in the case of for instance, burning brand, you can only play it on lore heroes. so unless the card says otherwise, then the answer is yes.

Excellent, 1 example I can think of is the steward on gondor attachment which states

attached to a hero

Attached hero gains gondor trait

Exhaust steward of gondor to apply 2 resource tokens to a hero

So let's say i have hero Sam who is of the correct sphere for me to play steward of gondor So I could add this to let's say legolas who is of the tactics sphere.

Yes, don't forget that this one is Unique (the star icon before the name) which means only 1 can be in play at anytime.

Also, the ressource will be on legolas, and will be used for tactics cards.

Many thanks guys, has helped out with my deck building. I've tried keeping my deck to ashadow close to 50 as possible but I've gone over with a few event cards that I'll use very quickly to either gain resources or ready ab ally etc

if u have any more qs, just ask!

What expansion packs would you recommend buying which you would class as essentials to have when building decks?

My current expansions are:

The black riders

The road darkens

HON & a small expansion for that 1 (the 1 with faromir in)

Voice of isengard

Depends on what kind of deck you want to make. You could make a pretty effective Hobbit deck if you get Fast Hitch (Dead Marshes). You could make an Outlands deck if you get Steward's Fear. For Gondor decks you will want Visionary Leadership (Morgul Vale). For Silvan you want the newer packs. For Noldor you'll want the Dwarrowdelf cycle.

also, if you want dwarf, get dwarrowdelf and the two hobbit. oh yes, and return to mirkwood for dain.

I would recommend this https://talesfromthecards.wordpress.com/2013/09/13/new-player-buying-guide/ for your buying questions. Ian of Tales from the Cards gives a nice overview of each pack if you were to buy selectively. Really, check it out! :)

I would suggest going in order starting at the Mirkwood cycle! That way you can grow into the game more easily imo.

Khazad-Dûm and the Dwarrowdelf cycle, definitely. They have some of the best cards in the game.