Beorn (ally from Core Set): action and death

By Andre Bigler, in Rules questions & answers

May be a dumb question, but that was asked by a player here and I can't find a satisfying answer (or any answer, to be honest)...

Beorn (Ally from Core Set) hav an action that gives him +5 ATK till the end of phase, and gets him shuffled back in the deck when the round ends. If I use that action, but Beorn defends an attack and dies? The ability "resets" so it will be discarded normally, or when the round ends the ability will shuffle him back?

The way I see, the game does not have a "memory", so if a card is discarded, it doesn't "remember" anything from past abilities -thus Beorn stays on discard. But I want to check with the sages first :)

Edited by Arkano

Yeah, if he dies from the attack he doesn't get reshuffled back in.

yah like jimby said. in fact, even if he were not destroyed, he could not use his ability that round since he exhausted to defend.

Well, if he defended and get as low as 1 hp, you can reshufle him back in your deck and play him back when you'll draw him.

Beorn's text says: " At the end of the phase in which you trigger this effect, shuffle Beorn back into your deck ". So, when Beorn dies defending during any phase , he'd not be in play at the end of this phase to trigger his effect; Also, when he'd be not in play, his text must be treated as blank. So he just gets discarded normally when he dies.

Excuse my ignorance but

Why do you use Beorn's ability if you are going to make him defend?

That does not makes sense.

Or is there a card that makes using attack instead of defense?

3Def, 6Hp... best stats ever.

well, if your about done with the level but your coming in with a crash landing, 8 attack is a pretty good thing to have. also, if he's almost dead and your have an excess of tactics resources, its not a bad thing. but your right, most of the time, its not so smart. oh yes, and you can use him with sneak attack!