Which coop-quest do you prefer?

By DAMaz, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

So I was thinking about trying out the coop-style gameplay of Descent, however I'm not sure which expansion to choose.

Has someone of you maybe played both and can describe briefly what things they like best in each of those quests and if there is a characteristic atmosphere to each of them?

Is it fair to say that Forgotten Souls takes place in the dungeon and Nature's Ire takes place in the "nature" or is there a different kind of theme behind these campaigns.

In the end it would be great if you can briefly describe which one you like better and why or if you don't like them at all.

thx for your input



Is it fair to say that Forgotten Souls takes place in the dungeon and Nature's Ire takes place in the "nature" or is there a different kind of theme behind these campaigns.

I have FS but I have not played NI, so my experience is limited. Looking at the maps in the PDFs, it is certainly true that all of FS's maps are "B-side" (dungeon) while all of NI's maps are "A-side" (outdoors.)

However, the individual rooms in FS don't have a huge connecting theme, IMO. Each room is it's own entity and they come together to form a somewhat random dungeon. Lava floes over here, misty zombies over there. That's fine, though. For a quick, random co-op dungeon crawl it hits the spot perfectly to me.

I enjoy the co-op game they've designed. It gives me a break from always being the OL. =P

However, as to how the two co-ops compare, I can't really say.

I'm inclined to take this co-op system and try to make something bigger out of it, but I know there are a lot of fan-made co-op systems out there, so perhaps I should go through them to make sure I'm not re-inventing the wheel first. =)

In the end it would be great if you can briefly describe which one you like better and why or if you don't like them at all.

I don't see Nature's Ire on FFG's online store, so I don't think it's commercially available yet. Like Forgotten Souls, I think it was released for promo/tournament use early and will be made available to retail later. So, if you're looking to buy a co-op right now , I'd go with the one that's available. =P

I've only played nature's ire once and forgotten souls twice, but I'm preferring NI so far. FS was an experiment and NI was a refinement.

Wow!!! I played FS twice and enjoyed it a lot :-) If NI is better ... it will be a blast ;-)

The monsters in nature's ire are goblin archers, ettins, merriods and cave spiders.

The thing that sets it apart from FS is Desmond, a villager npc who follows the hero's around and every time he gets knocked out doom advances by 1.

I've played Forgotten Souls 5 times and Nature's Ire 2 times, but I think I prefer Forgotten Souls.

-Nature's Ire gives you an NPC who can heal you a little bit. It means you might be able to get away without having a healer if you've got good defense or health potions.

-The monster activation cards are really swingy, ranging from simple range bonuses to granting extra attacks if you're on the wrong encounter.

-Narure's Ire is really poorly scaled for the non-monster elements. There are always the same number of objective tokens regardless of player count in each room, with only the monsters scaling to player count. (including an encounter that traps exactly one hero for the duration of the encounter, even if 1 hero is half your party)

-There's a scarcity of search tokens, which makes scouts less useful.

Forgotten Souls big flaw is a lot of the rooms are kind of samey, with a lot of variations of "kill the monsters" or "Roll the attribute test" without enough to make the choices compelling.

Edited by Typpo