This came up in one of my groups games recently.
This is all due to the way the power is worded in regards to damage.
Under Bio-lightning it says " The target Takes 1D10 + WP bonus in energy damage"
and example of another power is fire bolt which says " On a hit, the bolt deals 1D10 + 5 energy damage"
I interpret this as both meaning the same thing just slightly different wording. So i would have both powers deal damage in the following way
1D10 + (either Wp bonus or 5 depending on which one) - targets TB and armour. just like with any other damage
However the player in question thinks that fire bolt deals damage as described above but due to the fact bio-lightning says the target Takes 1D10 + WP bonus in damage that it doesn't get reduced for armour or toughness.
I personally think this would make bio-lightning far too powerful, especially for something with just a casting number of 14. Despite numerous attempts to negotiate with the player and make some kind of comprimise ( i suggested it ignore armour but not toughness) he refuses to budge on the issue. I thought i would get the views of people on the forums and see if i could use the replies to convince him.