Hey all, I'll be flooding up a bunch of battle reports and articles in the coming future based on the skirmish mode for this game. Been playing quite a lot, and would love to share what I've learned.
Here is a battle report from earlier today. Lists aren't super competitive, we were just messing around with some stuff. Forgot what was exactly in each command deck.
Imperial List (40 points)
Darth Vader
Regular Probe Droid
Elite Probe Droid
Regular E-Web Engineer
Regular Stormtrooper
Regular Officer
Renegade List (39 Points)
Elite Trandoshan Hunters
Regular Trandoshan Hunters
Elite Nexu
Temporary Alliance
Luke Skywalker
Jyn Odan
Rebels Deploy on the northwest of the map with the initiative. Jyn and Luke hold the door while the Renegades deploy to rush south. In hindsight, putting Luke and Jyn more south would have made better use of their speed early on.
Vader and the elite probe droid deploy north with the rest of the crew towards the south and split. In hindsight Vader should have deployed south with the officer using the E-web to funnel the renegades in to a shooting or melee galley while holding 3 of the objectives.
Turn 1
Luke and Jyn try to slow vader down a bit, but both just whiff on everything (even Jyn's out-of-activation with her signature command card....not even a single stun....bad start. Jyn positions to delay the Dark Lord while the rest of the squad buggers out.
The rest of both armies move into position towards the objects. A lone regular trandoshan sit out of LOS of the E-Web to be able to make an objective dash or close assault on the heavy weapon if needed.
End of Round Turn 1 Scores
Renegades: 7
Imperials: 14
Turn 2
Sadly I forgot to take a picture here....but not too much happened. Well, that's a lie. A lot happened, but it was all setting up for future turns.
Rebels are forced to use Take Initiative to avoid casualties at the hands of the Darth Vader and co. Regular Trandoshan exhaust (they're safe where they are).
Jyn and Luke scurry off and manage to drop the regular probe droid with their pot-shots. Nexu engages the Stormtroopers (and whiffs) while the stormies hit the kitty for 6 damage.
E-web set's up it's kill alley and the Elite Trandos get into position to make a run on both the central objective and the e-web.
End of Round Turn 2 Scores
Renegades: 10
Imperials: 14
Turn 3
Imperials finally have the initiative! Vader uses his signature command card to attempt a rampage through the renegade, but by a miracle of the force (IE bad defense rolls and reroll by Vader and an amazing re-roll from Luke's Inspiring), Jyn manages to stun Darth with her interrupt attack.
Vader still manages to force-choke Jyn to death with a celebration! And moves into range of the Regular Trandoshan hunter. Renegade got extremely lucky here and probably won the game because of it.
The stupid cat whiffs again on the stormtroopers, but manages to down one with a cleave.....it tries to run away but the E-Web mows it down.
A combination of close-assaults by the trandoshans manages to drop the E-Web, kill a single stormtrooper, put a bounty on the stormies, and secure an objective....the Lizards really pulled their weight this round.
Luke runs like away from Vader like the pansy he his to secure another objective.
End of Round Turn 2 Scores
Renegades: 30
Imperials: 29
Turn 4
At this point, all the Renegades need to do is kill that last stormtrooper in order to win (6 points + 4 from the bounty). The Imperial player is force to Take Initiative and tries to run as far as possible with the stormtrooper (sadly no Urgency or Fleet Footed command cards in hand).
However in a stroke of total unfair luck....the Renegades have both aforementioned command cards. Luke activates with Urgency and Fleet Footed for an 8-space move and guns the final stormtrooper down to clinch the win.
Had the stormtrooper not died, then the Imps would have probably taken two more objective this turn for the win.
Renegades: 40
Imperials: 29
(Luke guns down the last stormie in the north east corner of the map)
Lessons Learned
Vader was poorly deployed at the outset and never benefited from the officer. The strategy was to setup the e-web in a killing field near the center and use Vader to flush the Renegades out. Which did in fact work....just flushed them the wrong direction.
Vader is still scary as all hell...just run away from him and hope Jyn or Chewie can stun him. That or just feed him chuds to slow him down.
Early on Luke and Jyn could have done some amazing sprints to make a early objective grab and never really benefited from their speed until the very end (especially Luke). Jyn was often in bad positioning so didn't make the best use of her interrupt attacks.
Still not sold on Nexu, the surges are unpredictable at best, but they are very quick and can attack up to 9 spaces away....and they do clog up a lot of movement and slow the enemy down.
E-Webs are still best suited to denying lanes of movement rather than actually dealing damage.
Jyn is still freaking nuts and a steal for her point value. Trandoshan Hunters (especially the elites) are stupidly good in close-quarters maps like this......that and the Price on Their Heads command card is just nuts. Pair it with celebration and that's a hell of a points swing (though difficult to score against Imperials).
Hope you all enjoyed! Working on my articles and will hopefully have them up within a week!
Edited by nungunz