Aerie of Death Bonus Quest

By Big Remy, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hey all,

So playing Aerie of Death for the first time tonight just had some questions on it. Wanted to see what people thought.

1) Trap spaces cards: since the outer edges of the map in Area 1 and 2 are not walls, there is no rules conflict with me playing a Crushing Block or basically any Trap (space) card in the spaces along the outside edge is there?

2) I didn't see it on the pdf, but does this Quest really have no Treachery bonus for the OL?


1) Would there be such a conflict if there were actually walls??

2) No treachery present. When I will play this with my party, I will kindly ask them to leave out Feat cards as well :)

Parathion said:

1) Would there be such a conclict if there were actually walls??

2) No treachery present. When I will play this with my party, I will kindly ask them to leave out Feat cards as well :)

No, I seem to remember something about not being able to play a pit or crushing blow next to pits or something, but I'm probably just imagining things.

It is not allowed to play a crushing block next to an obstacle that blocks movement (like water) to prevent the OL from blocking the whole path. But its perfectly OK to play it next to a pit.

The question is if it is allowed to push a hero off the board with a crushing block - in this case, every crushing block in area 1 would be an instant kill. Crushing block tells to move a hero to an adjacant space, but are the "steep drops" some kind of "spaces"???

I believe you can't play a crushing block next to other movement blocking obtacles. The intent is to not allow the OL to trap heros in or out of an area where the heros should have in and out access. We allow a block next to a wall provided there is still space to pass. i.e. a common 2 square width hall, we allow the OL to drop blocks in the hall, just not two blocks next to each other.

Graf said:

It is not allowed to play a crushing block next to an obstacle that blocks movement (like water) to prevent the OL from blocking the whole path. But its perfectly OK to play it next to a pit.

The question is if it is allowed to push a hero off the board with a crushing block - in this case, every crushing block in area 1 would be an instant kill. Crushing block tells to move a hero to an adjacant space, but are the "steep drops" some kind of "spaces"???

I guess that would be the main question really.

Quest says:

The outside edges of both Area 1 and Area 2 are not walls, but rather steep drops. They do not block line of sight (however, figures must still count range and movement using on-board spaces). Any non-flying figure who goes off the edge of Area 1for any reason is immediately killed. Any non-flying figure who
goes off the edge of Area 2 is placed on the closest Perch (see below) and takes two damage, ignoring armor. A flying figure that goes off the edge of Area 1 takes two damage, ignoring armor, and is placed on the closest Perch (see below). A flying figure that goes off the edge of Area 2 is placed on the closest Perch, but does not take damage.

Unless someone can point out something otherwise, I'll just operate on the stance that I can play Crushing Block next to the edge spaces.

Big Remy said:

Graf said:

It is not allowed to play a crushing block next to an obstacle that blocks movement (like water) to prevent the OL from blocking the whole path. But its perfectly OK to play it next to a pit.

The question is if it is allowed to push a hero off the board with a crushing block - in this case, every crushing block in area 1 would be an instant kill. Crushing block tells to move a hero to an adjacant space, but are the "steep drops" some kind of "spaces"???

I guess that would be the main question really.

Quest says:

The outside edges of both Area 1 and Area 2 are not walls, but rather steep drops. They do not block line of sight (however, figures must still count range and movement using on-board spaces). Any non-flying figure who goes off the edge of Area 1for any reason is immediately killed. Any non-flying figure who
goes off the edge of Area 2 is placed on the closest Perch (see below) and takes two damage, ignoring armor. A flying figure that goes off the edge of Area 1 takes two damage, ignoring armor, and is placed on the closest Perch (see below). A flying figure that goes off the edge of Area 2 is placed on the closest Perch, but does not take damage.

Unless someone can point out something otherwise, I'll just operate on the stance that I can play Crushing Block next to the edge spaces.

I would refer back to what you just quoted. You CAN play the crushing block at the edge. You CANNOT use the crushing move a hero off the board, because this is not a space. Then again, there're ogres in this quest if I recall, and it seems that knockback could be used quite effectively here, so...I might have to read the description of knockback. I'm still thinking it's one thing to knock back a hero off the edge vs. playing a block on them and saying "and I move you off the board entirely here." I would say if you are going to play that way, make sure the heroes know this and they can easily stay on the inner edges to avoid you being able to do this.

As to the treachery, I believe this quest was made up before treachery existed. I think we played it with 3 3 3 and I think I might have actually put a killer chest and maybe even a lone ogre into my deck for the first and only time...

Feanor said:

Big Remy said:

Graf said:

It is not allowed to play a crushing block next to an obstacle that blocks movement (like water) to prevent the OL from blocking the whole path. But its perfectly OK to play it next to a pit.

The question is if it is allowed to push a hero off the board with a crushing block - in this case, every crushing block in area 1 would be an instant kill. Crushing block tells to move a hero to an adjacant space, but are the "steep drops" some kind of "spaces"???

I guess that would be the main question really.

Quest says:

The outside edges of both Area 1 and Area 2 are not walls, but rather steep drops. They do not block line of sight (however, figures must still count range and movement using on-board spaces). Any non-flying figure who goes off the edge of Area 1for any reason is immediately killed. Any non-flying figure who
goes off the edge of Area 2 is placed on the closest Perch (see below) and takes two damage, ignoring armor. A flying figure that goes off the edge of Area 1 takes two damage, ignoring armor, and is placed on the closest Perch (see below). A flying figure that goes off the edge of Area 2 is placed on the closest Perch, but does not take damage.

Unless someone can point out something otherwise, I'll just operate on the stance that I can play Crushing Block next to the edge spaces.

I would refer back to what you just quoted. You CAN play the crushing block at the edge. You CANNOT use the crushing move a hero off the board, because this is not a space. Then again, there're ogres in this quest if I recall, and it seems that knockback could be used quite effectively here, so...I might have to read the description of knockback. I'm still thinking it's one thing to knock back a hero off the edge vs. playing a block on them and saying "and I move you off the board entirely here." I would say if you are going to play that way, make sure the heroes know this and they can easily stay on the inner edges to avoid you being able to do this.

As to the treachery, I believe this quest was made up before treachery existed. I think we played it with 3 3 3 and I think I might have actually put a killer chest and maybe even a lone ogre into my deck for the first and only time...

Well, since the Quest says any non-flying figure who ges off the edge for any reason is killed is what makes me think that its legal. Because other than knockback and moving a figure due to Crushing Block, how else are you going throw someone off the edge?

As for telling them....if its in the section of Quest rules that I have to tell them I will, but if its not.... demonio.gif

There is a couple of following questions:

1. Is it possible to fly above "outside area". Can you count these area as spaces, can you shoot through outside-area? (I would say: Yes becaus of thematic reasons. It would be strange if an archer would have line of sight to a monster, but could not shoot it down.)

Example: In the upper-left corner, flying above outside area would be a shortcut for a razorwing.

If it is possible to do so, then it would be possible to push a hero down by "crushing block" as well because you treat this area as spaces. If you don`t allow the crushing block to be used in this intention, you shouldn't let anyone shoot or fly across this area.

2. Is it possible for a flying creature to end its movement on outside area? (I would say no because this would be somehow strange for a game.)

3. Is ist possible to jump down willingly? For example, the ogre or the dragon could jump down to area 1 in intention to "knockback" a hero down to death.

(If yes, it doesn't seem possible for the flying dragon to return to area 2.)

Feanor said:

I would refer back to what you just quoted. You CAN play the crushing block at the edge. You CANNOT use the crushing move a hero off the board, because this is not a space.

There is nothing in the game that explicitly allows you to move to points that are not spaces. Therefore, if you're going to use that as an excuse, then it's impossible to move off the edge and the special rules for doing so in the quest are meaningless.

Graf said:

It is not allowed to play a crushing block next to an obstacle that blocks movement (like water) to prevent the OL from blocking the whole path. But its perfectly OK to play it next to a pit.

To further clarify:

1) The card says you can't play it next to obstacles (any obstacles).

2) The FAQ says that you can't play it next to movement-blocking obstacles, and then goes on to list a set of things that includes some stuff (like rolling boulders) that are not actually obstacles. The answer is written as a clarification, but it changes the rules, and it contradicts itself, and it allows you to inflict rather massive damage by shoving the heroes into lava or end their turns by shoving them onto ice (of course, it was already possible to inflict damage by shoving them into scything blades, so maybe that's not such a big change).

Additionally, this is the kind of thing (special restrictions for different types of props) that the FAQ has repeatedly gotten wrong in the past. We had two simultaneous answers that explicitly stated that corrupted terrain both did and did not prevent a space from counting as empty, we had the rule that allowed crushing blocks to be played on top of glyphs, chests, and rune keys, and we still have the rule that says that monsters should take damage from lava more often because they were taking damage too often before.

So there's at least three different "official" ways that people might choose to play this card.

However, none of them forbid playing it next to walls.