This discussion has been moved from the Campaign thread to allow ideas relating specifically to Ace Special Abilities to be talked about.
I am attempting to create a 3 tier system for WoW WW1 using the Ace skills from Wow: Dawn of War rules pgs 14-15.
These Ace Rules are still UNDER DEVELOPMENT and have not been playtested at all.
5 victory points allows a pilot to "buy" one Single Ace skill or upgrade one Single Ace skill to Double Ace.
10 victory points allows a pilot to upgrade one Double Ace skill to Triple Ace.
This system uses the following terms interchangeably...
Tier 1 = Single Ace
Tier 2 = Double Ace
Tier 3 = Triple Ace
This would allow a specific Ace skill eg. Daredevil to be taken as a Single Ace ability and then later upgraded to Double Ace and perhaps Triple Ace. Each upgrade would allow the pilot ability to be used more frequently.
Not all Ace skills can be upgraded to Triple Ace (only Perfect Aim, Sniper, Bullet Checker, Daredevil)
Taking the ace skill first as Single Ace and then having the option to upgrade it to tier 2 (Double Ace) and then possibly tier3 (Triple Ace) later on allows for a more realistic progression of skill improvement and also gives more depth and variation between pilots with similar ace skills.
note. the Ace Skill of Expert Marksman listed below is identical to the Ace Skill of Sniper from Wings of War: Dawn of War pg15. The Ace Skill of Sniper in my campaign is actually a new skill where the pilot has increased range of fire.
Evasive Pilot
Acrobatic Pilot
Expert Marksman
Perfect Aim
Super Ace
(reduce the number of recovery counters for one Single Ace skill by 1)
Evasive Pilot
(allow 2 damage cards to be ignored)
Acrobatic Pilot
(take only 3 recovery counters)
Expert Marksman
(take only 2 recovery counters)
Perfect Aim
(take only 2 recovery counters)
(take only 2 recovery counters)
Bullet Checker
(take only 2 recovery counters)
(take only 3 recovery counters)
Super Ace
(reduce the number of recovery counters for one Double Ace skill by 1)
Evasive Pilot
(allow 3 damage cards to be ignored)
Perfect Aim
(take only 1 recovery counter)
(take only 1 recovery counter)
Bullet Checker
(take only 1 recovery counter)
(take only 2 recovery counters)