Here's a list I came up with on-the-fly the other night, and actually flew pretty well with it. What does the rest of the community think?
Here's a list I came up with on-the-fly the other night, and actually flew pretty well with it. What does the rest of the community think?
What would haopen if you dropped the BSP to Academy Pilot, using the 2 points to give Howlrunner or Mithel Wingman?
At first glance it seems like a good fit: Use the Wingman ability to remove the stress from Kenkirk whenever he hands out Focus tokens, but in my (admittedly) small sample size, Howlrunner was rarely within range 1 of the Decimator. They were more often at range 2 so I could pass off the Focus tokens and allow the TIEs to have a Focus and an Evade on the same turn.
I flew the squad as two separate entities, forcing the opposing squad into a choice of which to take out first, the Howlrunner element or the elephant turreting them to death.
There were a couple of times when Howl was able to let the Deci re-roll, but to me it was not often enough to warrant the drop in pilot skill.
Again, I've only flown this once, so I may not be considering all the angles. Next time I fly this list, I may do just that, try the Wingman, and see how it goes. Turn the Academy Pilot into a pure blocker to set up range-one shots for Mauler and keep the Deci closer for Wingman's effect to come into play.
Edited by HungryWulfSeems like a pretty solid list. Try it with Wingman and if that doesn't work then just go back to this.
I would drop Howlrunner to Backstabber, in this list, Backstabber just brings more to the table as you don't really want to be all clustered together.
With those 2 points I'd up Kenkirk to the Admiral as his ability is great as it works like a mini focus and you want max damage from your Deci. This way you can TL as your action and use the Admiral's ability to great effect.
I'd change Fleet Officer to Rebel Captive as that really is a pain for your opponent.
I would drop the Black to an Obsidian and use the 1 pt to put VI on the Admiral for shooting those pesky Phantoms before they cloak. Rebel Captive is also great here as you need to shoot him second with a Phantom or the stress stops you recloaking...
You could use Determination instead of VI if you don't mind shooting after the PS9 crowd as it really helps to keep the Admirals ability going and will probably negate 1 or 2 hits a game.
Edited by EnglishpeteI'm not sure howlrunner is worth it here, I also think something you could break formation with would be a better option, like backstabber.