Hope you are all well. I've been (and continue to remain) ridiculously busy but I am now beginning to see something tangible for the amount of time put in to my various projects*
I've come up with a solution to the issue of adding your own cards to Talisman.
Mayfair Games (and their UK distributor, Board Game Extras) produce Talisman-sized card protectors. Both Talismanisland and I have brought those cards up before.Although a little more "cellophany" than traditional card protectors, they still do a great job of protecting your cards.
Once you've got the protectors (and they are VERY cheap), you pop your existing cards in it to protect them as normal. Print out and put your custom cards in to these protectors too. So you should have a bunch of nice official FFG Adventure cards etc in card protectors and a bunch of custom cards you've printed out, cut up and also stuck in card protectors.
Now the problem is that you want the backs of BOTH types of card to match up, so that it is indistinguishable to tell which is a new card and which is an old card.
The solution is to print out new card backs and put them in BOTH types of card. If the card back is larger than the existing card (be it custom or official), then it should cover the original card, making it very hard to tell the difference.
Best Regards
*one of such projects was recently dropped (wasting the hours and hours and hours of work put in to it) because the fan stuff I was working for was recently announced as an official release! I was doing some fan stuff for Battlestar Galactica based around a couple of boards and lo and behold, FFG recently announced they were doing an expansion based around the same couple of boards
Talk about parallel development! Of course, this isn't FFG's fault as they are only producing the next logical stuff for the game based on the series and I knew that this is what they had to do, only, I thought I had about 6 more months before they released it
Oh well, gripe over
I'm back to working on my own stuff.
P.S. Does anyone have a need for some Photoshop Battlestar Galactica card templates?