Legacy Era Game

By Atomisk, in General Discussion

Doing a game set in the Legacy Era and was curious is anyone knew of any Vong stat blocks? Probably am just gonna homebrew up some stuff regardless, but am interested to see what's already been made.

Other things I am looking for:

-Chadra-Fan stat block(really need this since a player plans on running one)

-Imperial Knight Careers & Specializations(Less so since we could just refluff F&D stuff... or cherry pick specializations)

Thanks for any help in advance.

Just started my Legacy era game. Since the F&D careers are pretty agnostic, and the Knights trace their lineage back to the Jedi, i just use those careers as written. My two Knights are fairly lightsaber focused, anyway, so they went Shii-cho Knight and Soresu Defender.

Haven't used the Vong yet. Don't really plan to except maybe as a one off. I never really liked them. Just make sure they get the same "cannot be affected by Force powers " as droids.

Just started my Legacy era game. Since the F&D careers are pretty agnostic, and the Knights trace their lineage back to the Jedi, i just use those careers as written. My two Knights are fairly lightsaber focused, anyway, so they went Shii-cho Knight and Soresu Defender.

Haven't used the Vong yet. Don't really plan to except maybe as a one off. I never really liked them. Just make sure they get the same "cannot be affected by Force powers " as droids.

Vong wise, I figured they're pretty brawny too so might run something similar to Wookies or Trandoshans in terms of characteristics. And maybe give them a boost die or something when they are crit on account of their pain reverance thing, but in combination to the force immunity it might be too much. I fear of making them too powerful, but still want some flavorful abilities. I will likely throw something together overnight.

And it's not like I like them a lot either, sorta flies in the face of the Force conceptually. But in a legacy game they are bound to come up and I like to be prepared.

Edited by Atomisk

I did this. Don't know if it is helpful or what you are looking for.

Yuuzhan Vong Warriors (Minions)

Brawn: 3
Agility :3
Intellect: 2
Cunning: 2
Willpower: 2
Presence: 1

Soak Value: 5
Wound Threshold: 6
M/R Defense: 0/0

Skills (group only): Athletics, Discipline, Intimiation, Melee, Ranged (Light).
Talents: None.
Abilities: Cut off from the Force [Can not be affected by mind-altering Force powers].
Equipment: Amphistaff ( Staff form --Melee; Damage 6; Critical 5; Engaged; Cortosis [All forms], Knockdown, Linked 1; Spear form --Melee; Damage 6; Critical 3; Engaged; Disorient 2, Pierce 2; Whip form --Melee; Damage 3; Critical 5; Short; Disorient 1, Entangled 1, Pierce 2; Spit Venom --Ranged [Light]; Damage 0; Critical n/a; Medium; Disorient 3, Limited Ammo 1, Stun 5), crab armour (+2 soak).

And Chandra-Fan just showed up in the Stay on Target book for Aces.

We just finished the mid-season finale of our legacy era game. I'll stick with what DarthGM said on all fronts. Oddly enough, I haven't used the vong yet. The one thing I did do, was homebrew a synthetic lightsaber crystal that the Imp. Knights use. the base stats are better than the Illum crystal, but there are no hard points. This was a way for me to express the utilitarian nature of the imperial knights with regards to their lightsabers. It was a good way for me to contrast them with the Jedi and my PCs.

Yuuzhan Vong
Brawn: 3 ~ Agility: 2 ~ Intellect: 2 ~ Cunning: 2 ~ Willpower: 2 ~ Presence: 1
Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 90 XP
Force Immunity: Yuuzhan Vong cannot become Force sensitive, nor acquire a Force Rating by any means. Yuuzhan Vong cannot acquire use of Force powers and also cannot be affected by force powers.
Pain Reverence: Whenever a Yuuzhan Vong has suffered any wounds, he recieved [1 Boost die] to his next dice pool. When a Yuuzhan Vong is Critically Injured, he instead adds [2 Boost Die] to his next dice pool.
Technophobia: Yuuzhan Vong add [2 Setback Die] into the dice pool when using heavy weapons, pistols, or rifles.

Thoughts? I am thinking straight immunity to force powers is a problem, but would like to hear how others might phrase it. As I recall, telekinetic blasts only phased them slightly and most sense/mind powers didn't work on them at all, so blanket immunity might be the best fit. Were there any powers that did work on them?

Edited by Atomisk

Thoughts? I am thinking straight immunity to force powers is a problem, but would like to hear how others might phrase it. As I recall, telekinetic blasts only phased them slightly and most sense/mind powers didn't work on them at all, so blanket immunity might be the best fit. Were there any powers that did work on them?

Well, you can certainly still throw a rock at a Vong with the force as one example...

I don't think your technophobia goes far enough either. I don't see a Vong using a vibro-axe or piloting a speeder bike for example... and I'm not sure it should be something as easy to remove as setback dice.

Well, you can certainly still throw a rock at a Vong with the force as one example...

I don't think your technophobia goes far enough either. I don't see a Vong using a vibro-axe or piloting a speeder bike for example... and I'm not sure it should be something as easy to remove as setback dice.

As for not going far enough, perhaps, but the problem is they do use a lot of those things, just differently, using Biotechnology. And it's not as easy to pin it down to any one skill. They have examples of thrown ranged weapons that fall under ranged light weapons for example. Melee weapons in general are their thing, even if they wouldn't use video swords. Speeders I can't think of any, but they do have space ships for example too.

As for the severity, 2 Setback dice was a lot I thought. Maybe, 2 Difficulty Dice instead?

Edited by Atomisk

Thoughts? I am thinking straight immunity to force powers is a problem, but would like to hear how others might phrase it. As I recall, telekinetic blasts only phased them slightly and most sense/mind powers didn't work on them at all, so blanket immunity might be the best fit. Were there any powers that did work on them?

Well, you can certainly still throw a rock at a Vong with the force as one example...

I don't think your technophobia goes far enough either. I don't see a Vong using a vibro-axe or piloting a speeder bike for example... and I'm not sure it should be something as easy to remove as setback dice.

I would model the technophobia similar to the dressellians from Stay on Target where it upgrades difficulty of checks involving technology but can be bought down by spending XP during character creation. This will allow a player to play against type without it being too much of a hindrance.

I would model the technophobia similar to the dressellians from Stay on Target where it upgrades difficulty of checks involving technology but can be bought down by spending XP during character creation. This will allow a player to play against type without it being too much of a hindrance.

I was going to have some cameo appearances by them 10-5 years before 0BBY as they are states to have had scout ships and probes on the outer rim before their fleets arrived. Since it took forever to actually reach this system. So just cameo appearances nothing more here.