Stress eating B-wings

By Funk Fu master, in X-Wing Squad Lists

Played this yesterday at work.

Keyan Farlander

- Push the limit

- advanced Sensors

- B-Wing/E2

- kyle Katarn


- Push the limit

- advanced Sensors

- B-Wing/E2

- Inteligence Agent

Jake farrell

- Push the limit

- Chadran Refit

Whole premise was to stress up the B-wings in order to buff the attacks, maintaining formation whilst Jake Farrell skirted around the board arc dodging with the focus/barrell roll/boost triple combo that PTL gives him.

Worked very well with no rebel casualties whislt I tabled my opponent. ( both named TIE bombers with Major raemar armed with 2 ordnance, Colonel jendon lambda and a black squadron) Once those B-wings got in behind he could not shake them.

Jake Farrell is awesomely manouvreble being able to hard turn, focus, barrell roll then boost in one go.

Played this yesterday at work.

Hah, I hope you work in a game store!

On topic, how often did Kyle's ability come into play? I'm slightly concerned that his ability would be somewhat under utilized, as he is only able to give you defensive focus.

All the time. as I had 2 ways of gettign stress ( red moves and PTL) as well as 2 ways of removing stress (green moves and shooting thanks to Keyans ability). As Keyan was highest PS on the board it was handy to have that stack of focus for defence.

That was, when I remembered to use kyle's ability

Looks pretty good. Would swap the crew though as keyan spends his stress in lieu of the focus so Kyle would benefit ibtisam more.