Played this yesterday at work.
Keyan Farlander
- Push the limit
- advanced Sensors
- B-Wing/E2
- kyle Katarn
- Push the limit
- advanced Sensors
- B-Wing/E2
- Inteligence Agent
Jake farrell
- Push the limit
- Chadran Refit
Whole premise was to stress up the B-wings in order to buff the attacks, maintaining formation whilst Jake Farrell skirted around the board arc dodging with the focus/barrell roll/boost triple combo that PTL gives him.
Worked very well with no rebel casualties whislt I tabled my opponent. ( both named TIE bombers with Major raemar armed with 2 ordnance, Colonel jendon lambda and a black squadron) Once those B-wings got in behind he could not shake them.
Jake Farrell is awesomely manouvreble being able to hard turn, focus, barrell roll then boost in one go.