Any word on actual Organized Play?

By Dillman926, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest - Organized Play

Under Organized Play on the website it just says "Coming Soon". Besides a few store championships I have not seen anything else set yet for higher level tournaments. With the core set and 2 expansions out now I would think there should be more news on regionals/nationals/worlds to entice people to play and buy the new product. I have not played FFG games before, so I am not sure how these things usually go with them. Does it take a while to get the bigger tournaments up and running?

Regionals happen once a year. Last year they were May-June. FFG limited the number to 2 per region and there were seven regions. Depending on where you live there may not be a convient regional. I imagine the application process will start soon. US nationals are always during Gencon (Aug), and worlds is during Nov at the FFG Event Center. In addition there are the Seasonal kits for stores to do with as they please, run a league or tournament.

FFG could change the current tourney schedule, but that's what it was last year for all the LCGs and mini games.