Decimator and Firespray

By cody campbell, in X-Wing Squad Lists



Anti-Pursuit Lasers

*Rebel Captive


Kath Scarlett-



*Ysanne Isard

Oicinn moves first with Kath in tow. Ideally, Dauntless gives Oicinn 4 (hopefully 5) dice plus one for bumping. Kath tows and pulls the stress off.

An "Exposed" Decimator endgame is bad news, so I'm assuming my opponent will target Oicinn first. Kath has a few tricks up her sleeve to stay alive once he goes OR soak up hits if she gets targeted first.

Question Kath's EPT worth the Dauntless/Expose combo? I've never been involved in a game with a decimator, though, but I don't see any major issues with it.

What do you guys think?

If you want to encourage your opponent to target Oicunn before Kath swap the Rebel Captive with Ysanne Isard. RC on the Decimator will encourage people to think about targeting Kath first! I'm flying a Decimator/Firespray list at the moment and they're hardly ever within range 1 of each other so I'm not sure how much value you're going to get out of Wingman.

An "Exposed" Decimator endgame is bad news

Only if it has Focus or Target Lock imho, otherwise it is just 4 naked dice. :)

An "Exposed" Decimator endgame is bad news

Only if it has Focus or Target Lock imho, otherwise it is just 4 naked dice. :)

What if I manage to squeeze on a Gunner?

Then you have 5 points worth of insurance for your 4 dice. That isn't too shabby.

Personally speaking, I prefer raising the chance of getting more hits in, by adding a supporting action/token such as Target Lock or Focus.

In which case I suggest dropping Dauntless and APL in favour of Experimental Interface, which still lets you Expose in the case of overlaps - if your shields are down.

Edited by Keffisch

I've been theory crafting this list, I'm not sure how good it will be since i haven't had a chance to run it, but i think we are thinking of the same process, just different ways to go about it.

Kath (43)

+Lone Wolf

+Rebel Captive

Oicunn (56)


+Mara Jade

+Yssane Issard

+Experimental Interface

Not sure how much i love this list. I think it will be ok, but it just lacks something that i can't quite put my finger on, and I'm sure once i get it out in the wild blue yonder ill figure what that is pretty quickly.

On its face though, it throws a less than impressive 6 dice at 2/3 ranges, all of which are primary attacks. With Oicunn, you can look at upping the damage expectancy, by adding one in for a bump or two if you can get it, and the Rebel Captive on Kath plus Jade on Oicunn means that you will probably get a bump or two.

What I do like is the Experimental Interface mechanic with Expose. It is a good way (assuming you don't have anything better to do with your movement other than to go green) to at least come up with a target lock as well as expose triggers in one turn, although this could be obtained with Issard on her lonesome. (i think). It does however, make the +1 dice shots more reliable with a target lock, and still allow you to keep Issard's free action to help keep Oicunn alive a little longer.