First! (Had to do it.)
Anyway, I have 3 questions that popped up during our first campaign game, and I'm sure you guys can help me with this. I've read through the forums here and the boardgamegeek ones, and haven't seen these questions asked before, at least not that I could see.
If you could reference the rulebook in your answer that would be awesome.
1) I /assume/ Bleed on non-heroes would give them damage instead of strain, but I can't find where it states this in the rulebook. Could someone point me to this?
2) In the mission 'Temptation' it states: 'When Darth Vader suffers damage equal to twice the threat level, he is defeated and the mission ends'. The question is, is that 'health level' set to what the threat level is in the round in which he entered the game, or the threat level as it is in the /current/ round?
For example, he enters the game on round 3, the threat level is 6, so his 'health' is now 12. Does it stay at 12? Or is his 'health' 16 in round 4, and 20 in round 5, etc etc. (Assuming I haven't spent any threat on other reinforcements.)
3) How much to read from the campaign mission set-up. I've read several threads about this, and it's clarified it for me somewhat. I now know for instance that I should read aloud everything under Mission Briefing. Question is, how much more, if any, do I read to the rebel players? Again using Temptation as an example, do I read the section 'Allure of Power' aloud too, BEFORE the game starts, or do I wait until the end of round 1 and then tell Diala's player 'Oh btw, give me a rebel token, and roll on your insight for me, please', without explaining why? The same goes for 'Hatred', do I explain how Vader's health works, or do I leave them in the blind about this?
Any insight would be welcome, thanks for your time and help gents!