Treachery Card "In Need of Rest" VoI Weary Traveler 6/7

By TXCanuck, in Rules questions & answers

Question on the wording of this card. The text says:

"...Forced: After a time counter is removed from the current quest, attached hero takes one damage."

Does the card stay attached once the current quest stage is completed or is it then discarded upon completion?

Example: Heroes are in stage 2 of Nin-Eilph quest and this card is revealed during staging. Card is attached to hero A. End of turn, a time counter is removed and hero A takes one damage. On next turn, players successfully quest through stage 2 and move to stage 3. What happens to In Need of Rest?


edit (I misread the question)

It stays attached. You either have to prevent it (scry, cancellation) or remove it with condition removal cards, otherwise you're stuck with it.

Edited by GrandSpleen

That card ruined our game last night. We were playing the Dunland trap first time and we were unprepared for this card. Everything went well until Glorfindel got that nasty treachery attachment and next turn Idraen got one too! We didn't have any chances to win since we didn't have any cards to get rid of them so we gave up after both of them died. But today night were going to try again and this time i have a pair of power of Orthancs, if that card shows up again!

edit (I misread the question)

It stays attached. You either have to prevent it (scry, cancellation) or remove it with condition removal cards, otherwise you're stuck with it.

That's what I originally thought but then wondered why put "current" in the game text? Unlike many games, this card game is very meticulous and deliberate in its game text wording. Thematically, I can see it meaning the hero is tiring as they progress through the current stage but is able to recover once the stage is completed.

Staying attached forever until cancellation or death for the hero is certainly harder, especially in scenarios like the Dunland Trap, where any hero's death in stage three means an automatic loss.

Probably they were leaving open some design space for future scenarios. "In Need of Rest" belongs to the Weary Travelers set and can appear in several scenarios; while we did NOT get a scenario in the cycle where you have multiple quest stages active at the same time (like with Battle of Five Armies), if you did have such a quest, with multiple time counters being removed from multiple quest cards each round, the card would be too punishing. Caleb has responded to such seemingly unnecessary wording in the past in that way: saying he's leaving design space open for options when designing the Nightmare mode for a quest.