fun with bombers

By X Wing Nut, in X-Wing Squad Lists

because for no other reason then FUN im thinking of giving this a try

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (16)
Flechette Torpedoes (2)
Homing Missiles (5)
Ion Pulse Missiles (3)
Munitions Failsafe (1)

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (16)
Flechette Torpedoes (2)
Homing Missiles (5)
Ion Pulse Missiles (3)
Seismic Charges (2)
Munitions Failsafe (1)

Colonel Vessery (35)
Squad Leader (2)
Cluster Missiles (4)
Experimental Interface (3)

Total: 100

View in Yet Another Squad Builder

I want to have fun with missiles and torps and i think this could be fun could hurt a Decimator

what do you think

I think you're packing too much on those Bombers. Sure, they have six hull, but the more you pack onto them, the more of a target they become, the more likely you are to have wasted your points.

Today, I had three awesome games in which I had two Scimitars with Flechettes and Ion Pulse Missiles, a Proximity Mines and Munitions failsafes. Okay... so that's not that much less, but still somewhat less. I had them accompanied by Jonus with a Seismic and Squad leader the way you do with Vessery. On top of that some Academies to rush forward to tie up the opponent while the Bombers line up the shots.

With the large-ship-heavy meta, Ion Pulse Missiles are so much more awesome than they used to be. I totally walked a Decimator off the board, today. :D My first time talking anything for a walk like that.

I agree. I wouldn't put more than 2 ordnance on those guys. If you don't take Assault Missiles, you will have a hard time if someone takes a swarm.

Edited by heychadwick

Yep this would lose to a swam easily. I was think of dropping some ordnance but all I would pick up is another tie maybe another bomber but I wanted to keep it to 3 ships and see how much fun I could have with them armed to the teath

Concussion missiles are your friend.. 2 attacks of 3 dice...

You mean Cluster Missiles? That's 2 attacks of 3 dice.

I like Concussion, which is 4 dice, but one blank turns into a hit.

Another Idea

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (16)
Ion Pulse Missiles (3)
Homing Missiles (5)
Proximity Mines (3)

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (16)
Ion Pulse Missiles (3)
Homing Missiles (5)
Proximity Mines (3)

Colonel Vessery (35)
Squad Leader (2)
Assault Missiles (5)
Experimental Interface (3)

Total: 99

View in Yet Another Squad Builder

think I still like the top one but this could work against Han + 3 Z95 in a perfect game i would hit Han with HM then IPM the to drop mine on him twice should be dead at the start of the 3rd round of combat then move onto the Z95's with AM then bring the bombers into finish the job with range 1 attacks.

The prefect game right

Edited by X Wing Nut