Surge abilities without damage?

By landoro, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

So I am wondering, in the rules for condition it states that damage must be inflicted for it to apply. Is this true with surge abilities that grant conditions also? I think so, however step 3 of an attack is "spend surges", so I wonder if there is a diffrence between attacks that automaticly inflict a condition like the Nexus bleed and surges.

I could imagine there being arguments for both views, mu guts says that damage must be inflicted for surges as well, what say you?

have fun

Yes. Damage must be inflicted.

The only exception is that Heroes may spend a surge to remove a strain even if they didn't hit.

Edited by Veldrin

The quote from the RRG is:

Conditions are sometimes used as keywords. When an attack uses a condition as a keyword, the condition is applied using the following rules:

- The target of the attack must suffer one or more Damage for the condition to apply.

- The condition is applied after the attack resolves.

- If it is a Beneficial condition, it is applied to the attacker. If

it is a Harmful condition, it is applied to the target figure.

So if no damage is dealt during the attack then no condition can be inflicted on the hostile figure or obtained by your own. Regardless if it's an "inherent " keyword condition or from Surge