HWK-290 Design Pics

By OriginalDomingo, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

This is my version of the HWK-290. I based this off the cut-away pic of the Moldy Crow, but enlarged the cargo hold to account for its surprisingly large encumbrance capacity for a Silhouette 3 ship. Very little amenities on this ship. I hope you enjoy these.

HWK-290 (Black and White):


HWK-290 (External):


HWK-290 (Internal):


HWK-290 (Schematic):


Our PC ship, the Void Crow, is a modified HWK-290:


How did you make this?

Ah, I just saw your other post. Please disregard. :)

Yeah, combination Gimp, Mac Keynote, and Mac Pages. I have no graphic arts training whatsoever...I am a military PowerPoint Ranger 1st class!

This is awesome! ...and well timed: starting session 1 of a new campaign Wednesday, and the group leases one of these.

I'm just in awe. Kinda makes me wish I spent more time learning about PowerPoint.

That's very professional-looking. Nice job.

I just recovered my character's HWK-290 and will be using these for his ship. Just one question though...how do I load and unload cargo with no door in the cargo bay? :)

You need to add a loading ramp to the schematic in the cargo bay. You also need to turn the passenger seats into a table seating 4 and 3 fold out bunks mounted on the walls. The table would convert to a bed for the 4th person. If you need real world examples just take a look at American campers and motorhomes.

Edited by zathras23

I really like the use of space and scale overall with this piece, it really makes the HWK-290 more of a functional light courier ship/utility shuttle and less of a house with no need for engines, fuel cells, sensor equipment, egress hatches, etc. Nice job.

The one thing I'd suggest is the 'waste disposal' space needs to be a refresher closet, I'd rather not think about spending a week-long journey with three other people without a shower, let alone an enclosed restroom ("We're about to make the jump the jump to hyperspace, did everybody.go before we left? Well you're just going to have to hold it!".)

The camper comparison is a good one for the living space and cargo capacity, but suddenly I'm picturing Lonestar's Winnebago.

Very awesome! One of my favourite ships. I would consider switching 5 and 7. As mentioned earlier, a small refresher closet would be a necessity. Mainly because the public freshers at mos eisly are disgusting, the only ones that are clean are for the methane breathers, and you do NOT want to go in there.

I just recovered my character's HWK-290 and will be using these for his ship. Just one question though...how do I load and unload cargo with no door in the cargo bay? :)

You need to add a loading ramp to the schematic in the cargo bay. You also need to turn the passenger seats into a table seating 4 and 3 fold out bunks mounted on the walls. The table would convert to a bed for the 4th person. If you need real world examples just take a look at American campers and motorhomes.

It's easily possible the ship, like the lambda shuttle, doesn't have anywhere to sleep onboard. If it's designed for rapid, short range courier work thats a lot of space being taken up for a ship that's almost certainly not going to be off the ground for more than 16-18 hours at a time.

Also, there's a lot of wasted space in the cockpit. I'd move the Navcomputer in there (maybe across from the pilot) and the kitchenette & fresher across from the copilot. That'd leave the entire back for cargo (or passengers, who are really just different kind of cargo.)

A ship that size is also probably not going to have an engineering location - at most an engineering console on the bridge. This would also allow you to not worry about having to leave a corridor through the middle of your small cargo bay, allowing you to carry almost +33% cargo.

I realize this is different then the cut-away, but the cut-away is of a heavy starfighter, not a light freighter.


Did some Math, if you use every iota of space in that hold (including folding seats and 'engineering' & no walkway) you get 72 cubic meters, or about what one of our Rig trucks carries. (or a 40' intermodal transport container). That's not bad for a courier, but miniscule for a transport. This thing really should come with a Class 1 hyperdrive so it has a function - otherwise they're going to lose every job to the guy in the YT-1300 that can carry over twice as much for the same cost.

Edited by Quicksilver

I won't have my book handy for the next several hours, does the 290 have the typical one month of consumables or only a week? The later would support the suggestion it's meant for single-day hops from one inhabited system/station to the next like a personal transport than a proper long-journey shipping vessel.

Like a U-Haul truck with an anti-piracy measure mounted on the chin.

I won't have my book handy for the next several hours, does the 290 have the typical one month of consumables or only a week? The later would support the suggestion it's meant for single-day hops from one inhabited system/station to the next like a personal transport than a proper long-journey shipping vessel.

Like a U-Haul truck with an anti-piracy measure mounted on the chin.

It actually lists three months of consumables.

Did some Math, if you use every iota of space in that hold (including folding seats and 'engineering' & no walkway) you get 72 cubic meters, or about what one of our Rig trucks carries. (or a 40' intermodal transport container). That's not bad for a courier, but miniscule for a transport. This thing really should come with a Class 1 hyperdrive so it has a function - otherwise they're going to lose every job to the guy in the YT-1300 that can carry over twice as much for the same cost.

So, it’s a little bigger than a FedEx truck? And that truck should travel as fast as a Formula 1 race car?

I wonder what the fuel and upkeep costs should be for different classes of ships? Shouldn’t a ship with a better class hyperdrive cost more to operate? Sure, the slower ships would not get there as fast, but they could be a lot less expensive to operate, too.

And what if you took a ship that had a very fast hyperdrive but you ran it at a slower speed? Would that not cost less than running it at top speed? Would that cost reduction be as much as a ship with a hyperdrive that was not as fast, but was running at a higher percentage of its top speed?

Yes, time is money. But money is also money, too.

And what about docking/landing fees? How much do those go up for the larger ships? Even if the pure transport cost was the same, but it was a lot more expensive for you to land your YT-1300 in a lot of places, would that not make it more economical to use a HWK-290 for some of those jobs?

Maybe the parking fee should be 3.16227766016837933199^Silhouette measured in credits per day? So, if you’re parking a Sil 2 speeder there, it would be 10Cr/day. A Sil 4 freighter would be 100Cr/day. A Sil 6 ship would be 1000Cr/day. A Sil 3 starfighter or freighter would be 31.6227766016837933199 Credits per day, rounded to 32Cr/day. A Sil 5 freighter would be 316.227766016837933199 credits per day, rounded to 316Cr/day.

Oh, and that’s assuming a cheap parking arrangement at an inexpensive ground-based starport. A per day docking fee in an orbital space station would be a lot more expensive (maybe as if you were +1 or +2 Sil larger?), since they’re a lot more limited on available space.

Of course, that doesn’t pay for fuel or repairs or anything else. And high-grade fuel for high-speed craft would also be a lot more expensive — think JP-7 for the SR-71 versus regular JP-4 for most jet aircraft, versus basic “avgas” for piston-powered planes.

Oh, and don’t forget the length of time that parking spot would be occupied — think airport-style garage parking as the highest hourly cost, “close” surface parking as an intermediate daily cost, and way the heck out in the boondocks as being the lowest cost weekly or maybe even monthly rate.

This is awesome!

I'm going to add a decal to my HWK 290 X-Wing model for sure in EotE. It isn't precisely like the emblem on the side of your HWK, but the circle part is similar. I think this proves it will be awesome.

Do you think the cargo hold could be used to keep live cargo if they were all crouched down n stuff?

Another thing of note on this ship, is that at least one of the windows opens.

Do you get what this size is in comparison to Star Wars Fighters? Fighters in Star Wars are not akin to trucks - they're akin to ocean freighters. This is how big a Wayfarer is, and they get bigger from there. The HWK is a very small transport by comparison. You could land a HWK-290 in the Wayfarer's cargo pod. So yes, I think it should be significantly faster than your normal transport. Particularly given it's "built for speed" appearance. Also, given that Star Destroyers have Class 1 hyperdrives, I don't think size or mass is an issue.

I'm not really sure how you're going to cut costs on the YT-1300. It's got the same crew (at least minimum), only 5 meters longer (should be same silhouette ), same hyperdrive, and twice the cargo room. What service can you offer that the YT-1300 can't? Its not that Time is Money, it's that Time is a Service.

Yeah, combination Gimp, Mac Keynote, and Mac Pages. I have no graphic arts training whatsoever...I am a military PowerPoint Ranger 1st class!

Can you share the original files, so that we can make some suggested modifications? ;)

I'm not really sure how you're going to cut costs on the YT-1300. It's got the same crew (at least minimum), only 5 meters longer (should be same silhouette ), same hyperdrive, and twice the cargo room. What service can you offer that the YT-1300 can't? Its not that Time is Money, it's that Time is a Service.

The YT-1300 is Sil 4, not Sil 3. Starfighters are Sil 3. Everything from the A-7 Hunter to the Z-95 are Sil 3. Check out http://swrpg.viluppo.net/transportation/starships/?order_by=silhoutte&flattened=true .

The only Sil 3 ships that aren’t fighters of some sort are the HWK-290, the Incom A-24 Sleuth-class Scout Ship, the Lifeboat, the S-type Racing Sloop, and the Selonian Coneship. Except for the HWK-290, all freighters are Sil 4 or larger.

Well, I suppose they had to give it some advantage - slotting it as Fighter Sized rather than Freighter Sized would do it. I'm still not sure thats an economic advantage, but it would help in a fight. Somehow I still doubt you're going to find a landing dock that's too small to put a YT-1300 in. Most people don't ship via starfighter.

But then, the fluff notes they didn't sell as well as the YT-1300, maybe that's part of why.

I see the HWK-290 as kind of the Star Wars equivalent of the V-22 Osprey. Just because of their size, they can get into places that a lot of other craft can’t. But they’re also pretty awkward beasts, and have some drawbacks that are unique to their platform.

I think the HWK-290 is listed as carrying way more cargo than it should be capable of, and it has a lot faster hyperdrive than I think it should have for the amount of cargo that it would theoretically be carrying.

But it is a pretty iconic ship within some parts of the Star Wars Universe, so I can see the desire to make it almost as good as the YT-1300.

I can see where you're coming from, and making it Silhouette 3 does reinforce that idea. I also agree that the cargo listing on the high side - I'd put it more in the 50ish range myself. Of course, most people wouldn't hire an osprey to ship from china to the US, not when they could send it by a Hercules instead.

To me it looks and feels like a fast courier, particularly given its relative cargo volume, so that is the direction I was pushing for it to go.

I do find one thing you said strange though - If it has to fast of a hyperdrive for it's cargo, then what do you think of the Wayfarer, that also has a Class 2 hyperdrive?

Edited by Quicksilver

I do find one thing you said strange though - If it has to fast of a hyperdrive for it's cargo, then what do you think of the Wayfarer, that also has a Class 2 hyperdrive?

My understanding is that, for standard out-of-the-block ships, Class 1 is as fast as they get. Sure, you can mod them to be faster, but you don’t buy those off the lot like that. So, a Class 2 hyperdrive would be pretty **** fast for any freighter.

In the case of the Wayfarer, it is Sil 5, and carries 850 Encumbrance cargo — which is a heck of a lot. But, there are a lot of other Sil 5 freighters that can carry about that much or slightly more, so maybe not quite so out of whack relative to the tiny Sil 3 HWK-290 and the 75 Encumbrance that it can carry.