Sexy Rexy

By cubby09, in X-Wing Squad Lists

Got an idea from the forums and ran it today. Its inherently designed to hunt down phantoms. However, I met a chewy/Leebo build and came out with the W. Just wondering what your thoughts are

Old School Boba Fett (yes that one)+IC+VI+Tac+title+flachette+EU

Rexler+HLC+Lone wolf+stealth

I flew Fett near the middle to the left of center. Rex was closer to the right edge. Leebo slow played and Fett advanced to range 3 and released flachettes. I was head to head with chewie and rex however i veered off on a pincer manuver towards leebo and got a hit at range 3 using lone wolf. chewie missed due to lone wolf

Next round i closed to range two and tac/IC and hammered with rex. still avoided a hit from chewie due to stealth/LW. fett took 2 from leebo. next round range 2 again tac/ IC for two Ions. rex brok off to hunt chewie. next round fett used his ability and closed tow ranged one with a boost. destroyed leebo. then chewie was easy pickings

fluke or viable?

My first impression is a well-flown fluke, but without having seen the build you were up against, it's hard to say.

That being said, Rex with an HLC is a pain against large-base ships.



most of my attacks rendered leebo's ability useless as i was hitting him with either IC or HCL

Remember that the Flechette Torps wouldn't add stress to either of those ships. They only work on Hull 4 or less. I'm not sure any success you had would be a fluke. That Leebo build is pretty susceptible to higher PS, and neither one is doing a ton of damage. They're both low PS without positional abilities, which means it's easy to keep your cannons pointed at them. Your success doesn't surprise me, but I'd have to see the game. Both of their tank abilities are pretty much ignored by Rexler Brath.