Got an idea from the forums and ran it today. Its inherently designed to hunt down phantoms. However, I met a chewy/Leebo build and came out with the W. Just wondering what your thoughts are
Old School Boba Fett (yes that one)+IC+VI+Tac+title+flachette+EU
Rexler+HLC+Lone wolf+stealth
I flew Fett near the middle to the left of center. Rex was closer to the right edge. Leebo slow played and Fett advanced to range 3 and released flachettes. I was head to head with chewie and rex however i veered off on a pincer manuver towards leebo and got a hit at range 3 using lone wolf. chewie missed due to lone wolf
Next round i closed to range two and tac/IC and hammered with rex. still avoided a hit from chewie due to stealth/LW. fett took 2 from leebo. next round range 2 again tac/ IC for two Ions. rex brok off to hunt chewie. next round fett used his ability and closed tow ranged one with a boost. destroyed leebo. then chewie was easy pickings
fluke or viable?