Could use some help.

By Arrathon, in X-Wing Squad Lists

Hiya Fellas/Ladies.

I could use some help from you folks out there. Been playing against a 4 ship rebel list with Teb,Arien,biggs and a Tala squad. My buddy is ripping me apart every time. Our store is having our first "real" tournament in 2 weeks and I am dying to get that Medal from my son. I have the YT-1300 and 2400 3 head hunters,2 A wings X wing B wing E wing(not running it though to many points.Just my preference) and the Hawk. I would like to run a list with a "Fat" Han and 3 headhunters, 1 of them being Arien. However, I think I could run the super cheap 27 pnt 1300,Leebo with some goodies on him and maybe 2 headhunters.(With that i would try and box him in as he runs in a 4 block formation almost 100% of the time) What would you guys do? If you could build a List with what I have and my "mindset"(I would like at least 1 freighter in there) Any help given would be greatly appreciated guys and gals. Thanks in advance!

Who is arien??

I think he meant Ten Numb, Arien Cracken, Biggs, and Tala Squadron. but not sure. makes it hard to have any idea honestly.

Off you want to fly fat han plus airen I would fly some old school fat han:

Han Solo — YT-1300 46

Veteran Instincts 1

Chewbacca 4

Engine Upgrade 4

Millennium Falcon 1

Airen Cracken — Z-95 Headhunter 19

Bandit Squadron Pilot — Z-95 Headhunter 12

Bandit Squadron Pilot — Z-95 Headhunter

But honestly, I would skip airen since he's just buffing the bandits. I would run something more like:

Han Solo — YT-1300 46

Push the Limit 3

Chewbacca 4

Recon Specialist 3

Engine Upgrade 4

Millennium Falcon 1

Tala Squadron Pilot — Z-95 Headhunter 13

Tala Squadron Pilot — Z-95 Headhunter 13

Tala Squadron Pilot — Z-95 Headhunter 13

Hey thanks Bloodstripe I appreciate the help man. Ill try out your suggestions. Let me ask this.. What are your Or anyone else reading this thoughts on Running the cheap 27 point 1300 A fat dash, and 2 Bandit squad's? I would use it as a block and bump list. Sort or sh*tty or cheesy and I am not that kind of player, But Man the look on my sons face If I could give him that Medal lol.

I would take the outer rim smuggler ever, just not worth it when compared to the named pilots, for 27 you could have another headhunter and upgrade all of them or take a decent b wing

If you wanted something easy & tanky. Run both freighters.


Push the limit

Nien numb

C3po or Kyle katarn

MF title




recon specialist

Outrider title

Or the classic Han shoots first list.


Veteran instincts




MF title

2 x talas

1 x bandit

Or gunner instead of Luke for another tala and 1 pt bid.

I would use it as a block and bump list. Sort or sh*tty or cheesy and I am not that kind of player...

Nothing sh*tty or cheesy about blocking and bumping. It's a powerful tool that anyone that wants to get better at this game (especially with lower PS pilots) should work on.

Hey thanks Bloodstripe I appreciate the help man. Ill try out your suggestions. Let me ask this.. What are your Or anyone else reading this thoughts on Running the cheap 27 point 1300 A fat dash, and 2 Bandit squad's? I would use it as a block and bump list. Sort or sh*tty or cheesy and I am not that kind of player, But Man the look on my sons face If I could give him that Medal lol.

That is a valid tactic used by basically everyone.

Ships have advantage and disadvantages.

High ps ships shooting first.

Low ps ships move first. It's actually kinda what they are designed for.

Blocking the higher ps ships and deny them actions is how low ps ships survive. You have to action deny your opponent with them.

If you don't then the high ps ships will move focus or target lock, and blow your ships out of the sky.

But no actions and if they roll 4 dice get two hits a focus and blank, thats a lot better than him getting to reroll and or focus

I used this and got first in our local tournament




Proton rockets



Engine upgrade

3x talas

Have to be aggressive with the talas.

Block if you can. If you lose all three that's only 39points and dash is likely full and your opponent is hurting.

If you kill a biggs and rookie, or chewy, or decimator your still winning though you lost 3 talas

Also the talas will shoot before a swarm so better chance to win

My last game in our tournament was a 7 ship tie swarm was one shooting a tie or two every round

Fly him smart and you can win with him.

Keep dash flying ahead of your opponent and it makes it a lot harder to get in his blind spot, as your opponent is basically chasing dash. The talas Also cannot be ignored

Edited by Krynn007

Thank you guys for all the help. I made a List From the ideas, and Now knowing that bumping and blocking are part of Competitive play, I made a "Blockade list" So here we go!


Engine Upgrade


Intelligence Agent

Outer Rim Smuggler

Yt1300 Title


Navigator Intelligence Agent

Bandit Squad

Bandit Squad

My idea is to Capitalize on moving first (everyone at my store runs High PS pilots) Use the freighters to get in the way and bump my opponents since MY ship[s have 360 Main gun shooting. Both of My big ships have a few actions for maneuvering, So I plan on using Intel agent to set me up to be in their way. I am sure im going to take a pounding the first turn or so, But If i play it right, I could negate 2-3 ships from shooting at my ships (im hoping) What do you guys think?