Proton bombs or Ion torpedoes on decimator?

By pupecki, in X-Wing Squad Lists

So I just bought my first decimator today and was wondering if I should use Proton bombs or Ion torpedoes. The list looks like this so far:

•VT-49 DECIMATOR: Rear Admiral Chiraneau (46)

+Predator (3)

+Ysanne Isard (4)

+Rebel Captive (3)

•TIE PHANTOM:"Whisper" (32)

+Veteran Instincts (1)

+Fire Control System (2)

+Advanced Cloaking Device (4)

Also I was wondering what a good decimator + mini swarm list would be. The sets I have are 2 core sets, 1 tie fighter, 1 tie defender, 1 tie phantom, 1 tie interceptor, 1 lambda shuttle, and an imperial aces expansion. Thanks for the help!

both.... give em something to worry about.. or Prox mine..

Well with that current list it comes out to 95 points so I can only afford one

proton bomb