So I just bought my first decimator today and was wondering if I should use Proton bombs or Ion torpedoes. The list looks like this so far:
•VT-49 DECIMATOR: Rear Admiral Chiraneau (46)
+Predator (3)
+Ysanne Isard (4)
+Rebel Captive (3)
•TIE PHANTOM:"Whisper" (32)
+Veteran Instincts (1)
+Fire Control System (2)
+Advanced Cloaking Device (4)
Also I was wondering what a good decimator + mini swarm list would be. The sets I have are 2 core sets, 1 tie fighter, 1 tie defender, 1 tie phantom, 1 tie interceptor, 1 lambda shuttle, and an imperial aces expansion. Thanks for the help!