New Databank information on lightsaber Crystals

By Gigerstreak, in General Discussion

Ew-- they changed it. That's terrible...sticking with the good canon on this one -- each their own

I don't think its terrible. New way allows for things to continue the same way and yet no need for all sorts of different sources of lightsaber crystals to explain all the colors. Instead factions will tend to have the same color crystals. Most likely because they come from a very similar place force wise. IE Sith and darksiders will tend to have red sabers because that is what close attunement to the darkside does. Jedi tend to have blue and green. Imperial knights tend to have silver and so on. Also leads to less headaches role play wise as a player can just say what color they have.

Sith still can use synthetic crystals. As can Imperial Knights. And they will still get the colors they want. As things occured in the past. Only now the reasoning is a little more flexible. Which I think is a good things for players. and really GMs as well.

Edited by Daeglan

But they were already explained -_-

But they were already explained -_-

No they really didn't. There were tons of explanations that were out there and there was no real consistency in those explanations by people with no real authority. True those explanations that people came up with were all we had to work with. But all the explanations I ever saw were various peoples attempts at explaining the colors other people came up with in their stories"because they are cool". This explanation is more elegant. :) I like Elegant.

but in vision of the future, leia used a red saber, and she was not a dark side user.

I dunno, this new stuff sounds like somebody decided to confuse lightsaber construction with picking out wands from Olivanders.

but in vision of the future, leia used a red saber, and she was not a dark side user.

Which is legends now. And was it the one she made?

There are tons of force dreams with this and this Luke having his LIGHTSABER not land in his hand at jabbas sail barge and him dying etc.

I think the old canon explained it just fine. Jedi let the force guide them in creation on their was mysterious. The Sith took theirs by force guided by the dark side...why was that so hard?

Taken down

Edited by theclash24

I let my players pick unless they want an unusual color.

There are tons of force dreams with this and this Luke having his LIGHTSABER not land in his hand at jabbas sail barge and him dying etc.

I think the old canon explained it just fine. Jedi let the force guide them in creation on their was mysterious. The Sith took theirs by force guided by the dark side...why was that so hard?

Edited by Daeglan

Luckily we can take whichever canon we prefer and apply it - in my SW Universe, the **** crystals are like actual crystals - they has a colour and you find them and if they feel right you use them and they make that **** colour.

I want my players to enjoy the colour of saber they wish to have without forcing them into a specific path of how to behave. The Jedi are restrictive enough to play with, forcing them into behaving as Consular so they can have a green laser sword is nonsense.

Luckily we can take whichever canon we prefer and apply it - in my SW Universe, the **** crystals are like actual crystals - they has a colour and you find them and if they feel right you use them and they make that **** colour.

I want my players to enjoy the colour of saber they wish to have without forcing them into a specific path of how to behave. The Jedi are restrictive enough to play with, forcing them into behaving as Consular so they can have a green laser sword is nonsense.

This does not make so you have to behave a certain way to get a color. This is the force user when they attune the crystal cause it to become a crystal. This has no definition on how they get that color. I said that certain groups are likely to get certain colors.