Negima? Magia Erebea?

By cdcace, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

So a friend of mine was wondering if Anima had anything like Magia Erebea from Negima, if not how would one go about making it. I've toyed with it a little bit and created a sub path called Magia Erebea, but I kinda want to hear what others think.

This is my first attempt at creating my own magic, and its probably full of typos and etc. Also requires a bit of knowledge about the story of Negima to understand it.

Also included an Elan to Erebus due to the fact Erebea is another name for Erebus.

This is suppose to be an extremely powerful thing, so thus I put some pre req to use it. First stage isn't that high aside from the fact you could lose your magical ability during the test or even die.

Lv: Base

Req: The Test, Elan 25 Erebus

Cost: 500 Zeon

Effect: Magia Erebea refers to absorbing the spells into the caster and gaining properties of that same spell. The spell Magia Erebea allows the caster to harness and absorb offensive spell’s energy and once absorbed by the caster, it is fused directly to the caster's soul. The technique feeds on the caster's soul and any dark feelings; such as hatred, greed, lust, revenge, in other words, "Bad" feelings. Magia Erebea has two forms.

The first is that the user will completely absorb the magical attack into themselves, thereby gaining its properties. Along with gaining some of its properties you also absorb of bit of its power in zeon, absorbing ¼ of the zeonic value used to cast the spell or ¼ the Psychic Potential used for the attack. (This rest is left up to the GM's interpretation.)

The second form of the technique is that the user can store magical spells within themselves without canceling the previous Magia Erebea. They will absorb the magic into themselves, but not merge with it, where they can release it at a later time. This allows the caster to use the absorbed spell as a passive action without any further cost to him, using either the original attack value or your own.

A successful defense is required in all cases using your magic projection, no shield is needed but if the defense fails you will take damage like normal. In cases against area attacks, you can only absorb the attack around you not the entire area Both forms can work against spells/matrices of Zeonic/Psychic potential values up to double your max MA.

You can gain multiple added effects but only up to you double your max MA; example: you absorb spells that cost 60zeon and a spell that cost 40zeon and you have 50MA which allows you to absorb up to 100zeon worth giving an added effect for both spells.

Each time this spell is cast the caster must make a Shock check equal to 12Wp or an Absurd Composure check. The difficulty increases for every 3 rounds this spell is maintained, increasing the Wp check by 1 and the Composure check by a difficulty. If failed see table 6 in Mental Health (DM's Tool kit) The check can be increased depending on the emotions of the caster, this is GM's interpretation. Increase can be no more than 1 to 3 difficulties higher. If the caster is to ever fall below his threshold and he fails his checks it is possible on top of the normal consequences they will be overcome by the spell and risk either dying or becoming an abomination of darkness and magic. GM's Interpretation.

Int Req: 12

Maintenance: Equal to max MA

Type of Spell: Effect/Spiritual

Lv: High (Considered an Advance spell)

Req: Elan 50 Erebus, Gnosis 25

Cost: 1000 Zeon

Effect: Same as Base

At this Level of Magia Erebea you can even absorb physical attacks and Ki abilities. When a Ki ability is used against the caster, they can absorb half of the Ki used on the ability to replenish through own zeon. They absorb ¼ the base damage of the physical attack used to replenish the casters zeon. Also can absorb the base damage of a physical attack and add it to the casters presence to determine the damage of casters attacks if he/she attacks physically with Magia Erebea. Once expended must absorb another physical attack to do it again.

You have reached a new level of Magia Erebea which now allows you to attack and defend with your magic projection as if it was a physical attack and defense(Dodge or Block) the base damage is equal to the casters presence.

Both forms can work against spells/matrices/ki/physical of Zeonic//Psychic potential/ki points/base damage values up to triple your max MA.

You can gain multiple added effects but only up to you triple your max MA.

Each time this spell is cast the caster must make a Shock check equal to 16Wp or an Almost Impossible Composure check. Same as Base

Int Req: 15

Maintenance: Equal to ¾ of max MA

Type of Spell: Effect/Spiritual

Lv: Divine (Considered an Arcane spell)

Req: Elan 75 Erebus, Gnosis 40+

Cost: 2000 Zeon

Effect: Same as High

At this level of Magia Erebea you can absorb even your own spells. Cannot absorb any zeon from your own spells when used with Magia Erebea.

Against area attacks you now can absorb the entire attack. Both forms can work against spells/matrices/ki/physical of Zeonic//Psychic potential/ki points/base damage values up to quadruple your max MA. Only works against Ki and physical attacks up to double your max MA.

You can gain multiple added effects but only up to you quadruple your max MA.

Each time this spell is cast the caster must make a Shock check equal to 20Wp or an Impossible Composure check. Same as Base

Int Req: 20

Maintenance: Equal to ½ of max MA

Type of Spell: Effect/Spiritual

List of possible added Effects: Numerical values are determined by the GM and are increased based on the strength of the powers absorbed.

Fire Based: Fire Immunities, Increase effects of Fire magic, give physical attacks an added fire effect.

Water/Ice Based: Water/Ice Immunities, Increase effects of Water/Ice magic, give physical attacks an added Ice effect.

Earth Based: Physical Immunities, Damage barrier, Damage reduction, Increased resistances, Increased vitality, Increase effects of earth magic

Air/Elec Based: Electrical Immunities, Increased movement, Increased Initiative, Increased effects of Air/Elec magic.

Dark Based: Increased Stealth/Hide secondary abilities, Increase effects of Dark magic

Light Based: Increased Perceptive secondary abilities, Increase effects of Light magic.

Sub Paths/Free Access Based: Dependent on the spell used

Cannot gain added effects from Essence, Illusion, Necromancy.

Edited by cdcace