Just curious if anyone has made any builds with the StarViper....I dont really see much talk on this ship...makes me worried that people are not impressed with it. Has anyone toyed around withsome build ideas or come up with some neat combinations with the StarViper?
anyone have any StarViper builds/lists???
I for one *think* the Star Viper could be very exciting. It is what the defender should have been, esp cost-wise - which is where the defender fails.
While I am not one to make lists of ships I cannot yet play, I also am withholding judgment until I see the Viper's dial - which would influence whether they got the cost correct or not, and thus whether the Viper is a ship around which a force can be built.
I thought the dial wad already spoiled???
I have the dial stats on my mobile app X-Wing companion
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Theoretical Starviper build but as we don't have the Scyk Dial yet it's not official. Guri will be good too. Heck, stock starviper is pretty potent.
That is a nice dial. The 1's bode well for that ship. Definitely the better defender.
I will agree mighty fine ship with a dial that does it justice...
I feel that with buying into scum and villany that im starting the game over from the begining with the stats that I wanted on ships.
Really loving the look of this faction
The first list I'm going to run with Scum:
I predict Scum and Villany will be a faction that will do well with not being bogged down with upgrades on lists