it says select one option: gain +10 starting xp, but it doesnt say how much morality this costs, below that +2,500 credits, (no morality cost) +5 xp and 1000 credits finally it says increase or decrease a characters morality to 70 or 30 etc etc. soo..... if i select +10 xp i lower my morality score to 30? in EOTE +10 xp costs 10 obligation... not 20? should i just follow the number charts given for EOTE and AOE? but change the obligation cost to a morality cost? what if i just have a jedi with lots of obligation or duty instead of morality? (har har i cheated!)
Edited by oriondeanF&D beta book page 34 not clear to me.
This was done on purpose and to not have Morality as a resource to be spent like Duty/Obligation.
Morality is based on choices and not raised or lowered to get some XP/money. Only way up or down is Conflict points. =)
sooo.... if i want a more skilled character (he put in the effort) he isn't necessarily or doesn't necessarily have to be a *badguy* to put in that effort to be more skilled (or better equipped) and he could just take duty or obligation and keep his morality score at 50? (does that sound fair?) i see 2 sides to this idea 1: no its not fair, if you mix and match systems you can have a guy with 30 obligation, 30 duty, and a 29 morality score that is super uber heeegante well equipped with waaay too many extra skillpoints.
2:yes if you have a guy that uses 1 system to add resources and also take on more overhead (only has 30 obligation and doesnt touch duty or morality) he has a reasonable cost/benefit ratio.
Edited by oriondeansooo.... if i want a more skilled character (he put in the effort) he isn't necessarily or doesn't necessarily have to be a *badguy* to put in that effort to be more skilled (or better equipped) and he could just take duty or obligation and keep his morality score at 50? (does that sound fair?) i see 2 sides to this idea 1: no its not fair, if you mix and match systems you can have a guy with 30 obligation, 30 duty, and a 29 morality score that is super uber heeegante well equipped with waaay too many extra skillpoints.
2:yes if you have a guy that uses 1 system to add resources and also take on more overhead (only has 30 obligation and doesnt touch duty or morality) he has a reasonable cost/benefit ratio.
1) Morality gives you a XP/Credit bonus, or allows you to adjust your Morality rating up or down. Since players love bonus XP at start if you did something like Ob or Duty and had em spend it down to get the bonus nearly every starting character would be pushing darkside.
2) While AoR, EotE, and FaD are compatible, they aren't interchangeable. FaD characters don't have the option for Obligation or Duty at start. Essentially even if you want them, and the GM agrees to let you have em, they both must start at 0 unless the GM says otherwise.
2) While AoR, EotE, and FaD are compatible, they aren't interchangeable. FaD characters don't have the option for Obligation or Duty at start. Essentially even if you want them, and the GM agrees to let you have em, they both must start at 0 unless the GM says otherwise.
Actually, if you've got AoR/EotE (and GM approval), you can have a character start with Morality and Obligation, or Morality and Duty, and even take all three. Only thing is, is that by doing this they have to take Morality at 50 and Obligation/Duty are taken at default values (based on number of players using the mechanic) and increasing/lowering those are the only way to get the XP/credit bonuses (and you can only choose one of them to adjust for the bonuses). Unless they just aren't taking Morality at all, then it's just typical Obligation/Duty rules (still only adjusting one of them).
There is no requirement for the Obligation to be at 50 if you select Obligation and Duty.
They are separate mechanics and are handled entirely separately. The only thing that matters between the 3 is you can only take a max increase of 15XP and 2500 credits through any combination of the 3 mechanics. You can never (per RAW) start with 30XP derived from those mechanics. The idea is you only get to select a bonus from 1 of the 3. Examples below.
* Character wants to be better but not to sacrifice his Duty score so he takes an Obligation hit of 15 extra to get the XP that doesn't affect the starting Duty AT ALL.
* Character doesn't care about the Rebellion 1 lick but will take a bonus if it is handed to them. Dislikes being hunted and debt so instead they sacrifice their Duty score to boost their credit stash at the start. More gear means more jobs done quick means they don't owe anyone.
* Character 3 doesn't mind if she is hunted. Does not really dislike the Rebellion but is typically lawful. So they choose the Morality bonus of starting at 70. She doesn't need extra XP so she is content to level Duty/Obligation at their starting values to take the moral high ground to start.
3 different mechanics totally unaffected by each other except only 1 bonus.
Edited by fatedtodie
2) While AoR, EotE, and FaD are compatible, they aren't interchangeable. FaD characters don't have the option for Obligation or Duty at start. Essentially even if you want them, and the GM agrees to let you have em, they both must start at 0 unless the GM says otherwise.
Actually, if you've got AoR/EotE (and GM approval), you can have a character start with Morality and Obligation, or Morality and Duty, and even take all three. Only thing is, is that by doing this they have to take Morality at 50 and Obligation/Duty are taken at default values (based on number of players using the mechanic) and increasing/lowering those are the only way to get the XP/credit bonuses (and you can only choose one of them to adjust for the bonuses). Unless they just aren't taking Morality at all, then it's just typical Obligation/Duty rules (still only adjusting one of them).
Updates get me every time. I stand corrected.
There is no requirement for the Obligation to be at 50 if you select Obligation and Duty.
They are separate mechanics and are handled entirely separately. The only thing that matters between the 3 is you can only take a max increase of 15XP and 2500 credits through any combination of the 3 mechanics.
In regards to the first part ( page 9, first paragraph of last Beta Update ):
In this option, all PCs should use the Step 2 of character creation from the appropriate core rulebook, depending on whether the group chooses Obligation or Duty. Then, any Force sensitive PCs should also start with a Morality score of 50 as per Step 2 of the Force and Destiny core rulebook (they do not get to chose additional credits or XP; they can only do so by taking additional Obligation or sacrificing Duty. They also cannot change their starting Morality score).
Second part, (same page, third paragraph):
No matter how many systems a character is using, he can never start with more than 2,500 additional credits, and/or 10 additional starting experience points
Just a note on this one. This limit seems to really only apply to FaD users. So I assume that if you were an Obligation/Duty Bounty Hunter, you could rack up the Obligation/lower the Duty to get both the 3,500 credits and 15 XP as long as you're not exceeding 100 group Obligation or dropping below 0 Duty.
Updates get me every time. I stand corrected.
Same, I have to keep checking back on the updates constantly because I keep forgetting what was fixed/adjusted.
Edited by oriondean