Another large figure movement question

By Lardvark, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Hey all,

I've been scouring this forum and other resources to find a (probably very simple) answer to a question about large figure movement:

[A][A][ ][ ]

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Original position

If I have an E-Web Engineer, and have 2 movement points, do I have to move as such?

[ ][A][A][ ] [ ][ ][A][A]

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1 Movement point 2 Movement points

Or, could I spend a single movement point to move from the far left to the far right, as opposed to moving one space at a time?

Additionally, can I move the EWE horizontally (up and down in this case)?

[A][A][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ]

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I know the rules say that, to rotate, I have to spend a movement point and end up occupying at least half of the spaces I was originally occupying. I guess my question is, when moving normally, do I have to follow the same rule and occupy at least half the spaces I was originally occupying?

In the Rules Reference Guide appendix, the AT-ST appears to be following that rule when moving:


In the four example final positions above, it looks like the AT-ST is at least occupying half of the spaces it originally was.

I've only played the tutorial example so far, so I don't know if this is clarified somewhere else. I have read the RRG pretty thoroughly, but I can't seem to find a direct answer to this question.

Sorry if this post was confusing- thanks so much for reading and for any help you could offer.

If I have an E-Web Engineer, and have 2 movement points, do I have to move as such?

[ ][A][A][ ] [ ][ ][A][A]

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1 Movement point 2 Movement points

Or, could I spend a single movement point to move from the far left to the far right, as opposed to moving one space at a time?

The rule is "A figure can spend one movement point to

move to any adjacent space." So I'd say that move costs 2 points.
Not sure about the eweb moving horizontally but I suspect the answer is yes.

The first example is correct, you will need one movement point for every square you advance, either forward or sideways.

For counting movement cost for large figures I just pick one space it occupies and count movement the same ways as for a small figure, excluding diagonal movement, and place it in the same orientation..

The first example is correct, you will need one movement point for every square you advance, either forward or sideways.

For counting movement cost for large figures I just pick one space it occupies and count movement the same ways as for a small figure, excluding diagonal movement, and place it in the same orientation..

Yep, that's what I do.

Just keep in mind that special abilities like "pounce" allow you to change the figure's orientation :)