Four TIE Bomber squadron... But who leads?

By Ysalamir, in X-Wing Squad Lists

I'm trying to shoehorn four TIE Bombers into a squadron, but I'd still like a high PS pilot to "run the show," so to speak.

Ideally, that pilot would be paired with...

Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Proximity Mines

Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Proximity Mines

Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Proximity Mines

Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Proximity Mines

That gets me up to 76/100.

Should I replace one of them with Major Rhymer? Or pair all four up with a high PS TIE?

Any advice would be much appreciated!

Edited by Ysalamir

Why not make one of the bombers the star?

Make it 3 x Gamma with Prox Mines and 1 Rhymer with Deadeye and two copies each of Flechette Torpedoes and IPM's for some control (preferably dumping someone with ion tokens into a prox mine)

Why not make one of the bombers the star?

Make it 3 x Gamma with Prox Mines and 1 Rhymer with Deadeye and two copies each of Flechette Torpedoes and IPM's for some control (preferably dumping someone with ion tokens into a prox mine)

Agh! I had typed "Rexler Brath" accidentally. I meant to say Rhymer. My apologies.

I think that's probably the best course of action. I like the idea of running four Bombers or two Bombers paired with two Interceptors.

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (16)
Proximity Mines (3)

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (16)
Proximity Mines (3)

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (16)
Proximity Mines (3)

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (16)
Proximity Mines (3)

Academy Pilot (12)

Academy Pilot (12)

Total: 100

View in Yet Another Squad Builder

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (16)

Proximity Mines (3)

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (16)

Proximity Mines (3)

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (16)

Proximity Mines (3)

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (16)

Proximity Mines (3)

Academy Pilot (12)

Academy Pilot (12)

Total: 100

View in Yet Another Squad Builder

That's just evil

Or Doom Shuttle. Ask SableGryphon.

I second doomshuttle

or Yorr, which opens up options for dropping mines after red maneuvers

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (16)

Proximity Mines (3)

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (16)

Proximity Mines (3)

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (16)

Proximity Mines (3)

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (16)

Proximity Mines (3)

Academy Pilot (12)

Academy Pilot (12)

Total: 100

View in Yet Another Squad Builder

Yikes. With proximity mines deployed, that's gonna be one hairy battle.

Maybe they wouldn't be equiped with proximity mines each, but I had success running:

Colonel Vessery + Veteran Instinct

4x Scimitar Squadron Pilot

4 ship to tag targets for Vessery, 30 hit points of awesomeness for your opponent to go through.

But if you want to keep the mines, 2 academy or a doom shuttle are probably your safest bet.

I'm trying to shoehorn four TIE Bombers into a squadron, but I'd still like a high PS pilot to "run the show," so to speak.

Ideally, that pilot would be paired with...

Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Proximity Mines

Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Proximity Mines

Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Proximity Mines

Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Proximity Mines

That gets me up to 76/100.

Should I replace one of them with Major Rhymer? Or pair all four up with a high PS TIE?

Any advice would be much appreciated!

Although the popularity may be waning you might want to put in Howlrunner since you're effectively flying a heavy swarm as it. The pair of AP may be better at somethings but if you need Bombers to carry the load then find a way to boost them.

I'm a fan of Jonus and some missiles or torps, but I'm crazy that way.