There is a store torney coming and I like to go there with unseen squads, always imperial. I belief an odd squad gives me some advantatge in the mind game department plus somehing to chat about on the breaks
I'd like to go with rebels this time yet stay away from c3po/R2-D2/Corran/Dash. What about a squad that should wipe out small base ships every turn?
### Han Janson ###
Han Solo
Expose 4
Homing Missiles 5
Nien Nunb 1
Kyle Katarn 3
Experimental Interface 3
Millennium Falcon 1
Wes Janson
Veteran Instincts 1
R7-T1 3
Hull Upgrade 3
99 for init
Plan is simple:
Engage at R3, Wes strips focus, Han shoots Homing with expose bonus.
Next turn Han forward 4 (green with Nien Numb), bump, Keyan crew gives focus that trigger experimental/expose and shooting starts again.
Wes is ugraded towards better mobility and survival and eat any RC stress.
If on first turn you lose Whisper/Soontir/Rexler/Corran I'm confident despair will cross your mind.
The only concern is that by removing few points I can squish a 3rd ship:
Han Solo
Expose 4
Nien Nunb 1
Kyle Katarn 3
Experimental Interface 3
Wes Janson
Veteran Instincts 1
R2 astro 1
What are ur thoughts, more ships or better alpha strike & mobility on Wes?
And of course if you can find room for improvement against big base ships speak up !
EDIT- fixed typo errors
Edited by polmoneys