So, I was chatting with a buddy about the "new" Star Wars system; I've been keeping up, as well as possible with out playing it, on FFG's take on Star Wars since it started, but he hasn't, and we haven't played a game in a system since Saga was still a thing. When it got to "epic bad guys", I got to mention Adversary.
When I described it mechanically, there's a text block to read, but when I did so thematically, I mentioned how it can make a single bad guy awesome, but without a ridiculous stat block, who can still go up against 4-6 PCs, and not just get curb-stomped. The Crime Lord is harder to hit than his lackeys, and if you try to, the Threat dice give him more resources to improve himself, or his lackeys, while General Grievous, a powerful cyborg lightsaber blender, can go up against almost a dozen Jedi Masters (Battle of Hypori), and actually come out pretty well. Would people agree with the description?
Now, onto the question. Can you circumvent Adversary with a challenge? Grievous took on Shak-Ti, Ki Adi-Mundi, and several other Masters + Padawans, and he ate them, killed several; it took a gunship to run him off, and the Jedi fled like wusses. Later, Windu doesn't just pwn him, but does give him tuberculosis, and then we get that fight I hated from Ep3, where Obi-Wan, no slouch, but certainly not "the best saber-wielder in the Order", basically tore Grievous apart. Now, I say Lucas toned every fight in that movie down a bit, to make the awaited Anakin vs. Kenobi fight more epic, but even if that is just me nerd-whining, in a one-on-one duel, would you suspend Adversary? Luke is a decent Jedi by RotJ, but Vader is still Darth Vader. If you kept the gap in their skill level, AND kept the Adversary dice Vader would have, I don't think there's an excuse in a game-recreation of that fight for Luke to win, other than pity. So, if your troupe engages Darth Malgus, I'd give him Adversary dice, but when you solo Darth Vitiate, I think his better stats, alone, decide if he wins, or if you persevere. Would this be accurate? Maybe a nice house rule? If your buddies decide to sneak in an attack, Adversary dice return, and maybe even for you, while you are punished for your duplicity.
Pointless aside: while most of FFG's Star Wars takes place post Ep3, would it take much beyond the stuff books already give us to stat up a Grievous-equivalent simulation? No Foce powers, but some cyborgy bonuses, numerous lightsabers, and potentially cheese, or are half of his bells and whistles missing, since he's unique, and dead by then?