Ten Numb and Flechette Cannon, Phantom hunter bu

By gamblertuba, in X-Wing Squad Lists

Phantom killer but a lot of points for a one trick pony? Basically a guaranteed stress at range three on anyone.
Ten Numb (31)
Veteran Instincts (1)
Flechette Cannon (2)
Mercenary Copilot (2)
B-Wing/E2 (1)
Total: 37
Any way to build this into a useful squad? Maybe throw in a wart-hog to make the beginnings of a control list?

Gold Squadron Pilot (18)
Ion Cannon Turret (5)
R3-A2 (2)
BTL-A4 Y-Wing (0)
Total: 25

Why not give him a Mangler Cannon? If he uses TL on the round he fires, he has a good chance of getting all hits. If the Phantom flubs, you can see that free crit get through the shields. Easier to just kill it than trying to stress it.

I'd probably spend the 2 more points to upgrade Flechette Cannon to the Mangler as well. Ever since I started playing this game I've been trying to find a home for Mercenary Copilot.

I have tried a Wild Space Fringer with Mangler, Outrider Title, Merc Copilot. Dishing out 2 crits at Range 3 with no extra defense die was pretty nice.

Instead of the cockpit and merc copilot, what about Accuracy Correctors?

That way, you're guaranteed of 1 hit and 1 crit each attack.

Quick Ten Nunb ghostbusting list:

Ten Numb (31)
Veteran Instincts (1)
Accuracy Corrector (3)
"Mangler" Cannon (4)
Keyan Farlander (29)
Veteran Instincts (1)
Advanced Sensors (3)
Flechette Cannon (2)
Jake Farrell (24)
Push the Limit (3)
Chardaan Refit (-2)
Veteran Instincts (1)
A-Wing Test Pilot (0)
Total: 100
Edit: just noticed that AC won't work on Ten Numb.
Edited by Dagonet